Non Social

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Lili PoV

Cole and I had dinner planned with Charles and Cami.
I was in my apartment getting ready.
I left my hair open and did natural makeup.
( Lili's outfit above)

I was going to pick Cole up from his apartment and I would most probably stay back at his place as it's a Saturday night and we both are off work.

I left my place and drove till his apartment.

" hey, I have reached, waiting down"
I messaged him.

He left my message on read and came down within 5 minutes.

" Heyy" I said and he sat in the car.
" hey" he replied and I pecked his lips.

He didn't even compliment me. Which is very unlikely of him.

" All okay?" I asked him.
" yeah" he replied.
" okay" I said and continued to drive.

He was acting weird.
Not his usual self.

We reached the restaurant and met Charles and Cami.

" Hey guys" I said and hugged the both of them.
" Lils you look gorgeous" Cami said.
" haha thanks Cam" I said " you too".

Even Cami thinks I look good today.

Throughout the diner Cole hardly spoke, it was just me making conversation with the both of them.

" Cole Bro everything good" Charles asked him.
" Yeah everything's fine" he said.
" you seem a little off" Cami said.
" no I'm good" he replied.
" as you say" Cami said and then we both continued our conversation.

Cole PoV

I really wasn't in the mood to socialise all I wanted to do was spend some alone time with Lil and cuddle her, watch a movie.

But here we are having dinner with our best friends, which I was in no mood for.

I can see Lili getting annoyed with me because I wasn't telling her why I was acting off.

How do I tell her that in front of Charles and Cami that I want to spend time only with her.

I made small talk through out the dinner.

When finally the dinner was over and we said our goodbyes, Lili and I headed towards her car.

" okay seriously you are telling me why are you behaving like this" She said.
" I was in no mood to socialise tonight." I said.
" then why did you say yes to coming to this double date" she replied sounding annoyed.
" just leave it" I replied.
" okay fine" she said, annoyed.

I was behaving really moody right now.

We reached my place.

" bye" she said and stopped the car in front of my apartment.
" Bye? Aren't you coming with me?" I said confused.
" Like you said, you are in no mood to socialise." she said.
" Spending time with you isn't socialising and plus we always spend Saturday night together." I said.
" I am going back to my place and you are going to your place. So bye." She said.
" Lili" I groaned.
" look it's the best for both of us to give you your space tonight. I don't want us fighting and plus I really want to go home and just sleep" she said.
" Come on" I said.
" Bye Coooleee" she said dragging my name.
" okay fine" I said giving up and got out of the car.

You really think I would give up? Ha. No.
I left my jacket in the back seat of her car and  I'll message her to bring my jacket back.

" hey I left my jacket and I really need it tomorrow, could you please bring it back "
I messaged her.

" okay fine"
She replied.

A few moments later.

" I am down, you can come and grab it"
She messaged.

" It'd be great if you can bring it back up"
I messaged her.

"Okay fine"
She replied.

The door bell rang and I went and opened the door to find Lili standing with my jacket in her hands.

" thanks" I smirked.
" huh" she replied confused at my reaction.
I quickly picked her up bridal style and she gasped at my reaction.
" what are you doing! Put me down" she said trying to hold in the smile which was about to escape.
I smirked.
" stop smirking" she said and I closed the door with my foot.
" why? don't you like it" I smirked again.
" oh shut up" she said.
" put me down" she whined.
" I very well know you are enjoying it" I chuckled and entered my bedroom.
" Cole please put me down" she said.

I put her down on the bed and I climbed on top of her.

" there you go, I put you down" I said.
" let me go" she said.
"Where will you go" I chuckled.
" if you let me, then I'll go back" she sassed.
" who said I am letting you go" I said and kissed her.

She kissed me back and intertwined her hands with my black locks.

I removed my T-shirt quickly and started kissing her neck.
I hit her sweet spot and she softly moaned.
" ooh someone's enjoying it" I chuckled.
She flipped us over, so that she was on top now.
" don't play smart with me" she said and attacked my neck with her kisses.

" you still mad" I whispered in her ear and bit her earlobe.
" no" she managed to get it out of her mouth.
I soothed her ear lobe with my tongue.

I unzipped her dress and then things escalated....

The next Morning

I woke up and saw Lili was sleeping on top of me.
We both naked and wrapped up in the white sheets and our legs intertwined.
Her head rested in the crook of my neck and her lips meeting the skin of my neck.

Her hands in my hair and my arms wrapped around her,holding her securely.
A smile escaped my lips, at seeing how cute she looks while sleeping.

I flipped us over so that I was on top now.
I attacked her face with kisses, from her nose to her temples to her cheeks to her jawline and finally her neck.
I practically didn't leave any spot on her face which was left un-kissed by me.
She groaned making me chuckle.
" okay okay I'm up" she said making me laugh.
I kissed her lips and we got up.
We had breakfast and spent the whole day laughing.

Sometimes all I need is just her.

Thanks for reading!
And I'm back from my long break !

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