turn of events. ( pt 1)

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Cole and I were out with Dylan and Craig.

Cole and I had coincidentally landed together in New York.

well, he knew i had to meet the hustlers cast, and have an official meeting before the shooting starts.
and dylan coincidentally called him too at the same time.

he booked the same flight as mine, and we flew here together, but parted ways at the airport.

i took a cab to the hotel i booked, and he took a cab to his apartment here in NY city.

I had a two day trip here, and he was here for the whole week.
he tried to convince me to stay, considering that i would go back to LA only and had nothing to do there.
but obviously i didn't agree.

anyway, i had my meeting today, stay the night here in new york and fly back tomorrow midnight.
that was the plan.

cole initiated that i come to a bar with all the guys, tonight after my meeting.

i agreed.

so now i am standing in front of my suitcase, figuring out what to wear to a bar.
i didn't pack a party outfit.

dumb me. i was coming to the city which never sleeps.

so i just picked out a pair of denim shorts, leather jacket and a tube top underneath the leather jacket.

i booked a cab.

my hair and makeup were already done, considering the meeting, so i just touched up my make up.
and was pretty much ready to go.

also i was wearing stilettos, not the most comfortable option might i add.
but i had to look good.

after all i was going out with cole.

might i also add, i was called at by all the guys to reach fast.

so as soon as i reached the bar, i called cole asking him where they were.

" look behind you Miss.On time" he said making me laugh.

i looked behind and he hung up the phone.

" you're early" dylan said.

" i'm fashionably late okay" i said and went to hug him.

" come on, have you seen your outfit" he joked again.

i rolled my eyes at him.

" nice to meet you again Lili" Craig said and we shook hands.

" nice to meet you too" i smiled.

" where's Mr. Look behind you" i asked, my eyes searching for Cole.

" he has gone to get the passes" Craig said. 

" oh okay" i replied.

suddenly i felt a hand going around my shoulders.
and i freaked out for a second, but then i saw him.

" you scared me" i said and hit him on his chest.

he just chuckled looking at me.

we were pretty close.

" gentlemen, ready to hit the bar?" cole asked.

" hello ? i'm here too" i said getting annoyed.

" you are our bro too" he said making me annoy even more and earning a laugh from dylan and craig. 

" i hate you" i mumbled.

" awww i love you too" cole replied laughing and earning another smack on his chest from me.

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