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Lili PoV

" did you know Bree's here" Cami said and I jumped.
" as in Cole's ex girlfriend?" I reply.
" yah" she says.
" what's she doing here" I ask.
" she says because she's in town, she wants to meet Cole" Cami replies.

I wasn't jealous. I wasn't. I just so wasn't ( a/n: get the sarcasm guys)

" they are friends, she would be here just to see him." I reply shrugging my shoulders.
" yeah sure" cami said mockingly.
" what? I trust him." I reply.
" well I have to go, and you keep thinking that ' you ain't jealous'. Cause I can see it on your face that you are" she says.
" no, I am not" I replied and she walked out of my trailer.

I am just going to go and meet him. I can meet him, he's my boyfriend not hers. I am gonna go and meet him.

" heyyy" I say walking in Cole's trailer.
" hey there" he replied coming and hugging me " meet Bree".
" hi" I say shaking her hand and my blood is practically boiling.
" this is lili, my girlfriend" he says.
" Hi, nice to meet you" she says.

Yeah sure me too bitch.

" you too" I say with a fake smile on my face and Cole notices it.
" what's wrong" he says whispering.
" nothing, Cole" I say with the fake smile plastered on my face.
" so what's up" she asks sitting on the couch , Cole sitting in the centre and me next to him. I cling to his arm, folding my legs and putting them on him. I am never this clingy with him.
" Oh, nothing just came here to see my Loving boyfie, before heading to film" I say and I have never in my life behaved like this, possessive about him.
"How much time do you have before you need to go in and shoot?" He asked me.
" I just came in here to say hi, I have to reach set in another 5 minutes" I said to him, standing up.
" I'll see you" I said to Bree walking towards the door and Cole coming with me. I had our hands intertwined.
" you don't have to be insecure about me" he whispered.
" and I'm not" I replied giving him a long kiss.
" I'll see you" I said walking out.
" bye" he said closing the door.

'I mean obviously she won't be here for long.' With that thought I moved to film.
I started getting insecure. Which I tried my best not to. I knew he loved me with all his heart and he wouldn't leave me. But first love is first love.
She's way skinnier, prettier and smarter than me.
It had been an hour since I was filming, I had a scene with Cole and he was 10 minutes late. He was never late.
" Hey Rob, Bree is here and I think Cole forgot to come. So, if you don't mind can we please film this tomorrow, I am exhausted as well. I am sorry" I said.
" ya, it's fine, you have been very regular with your schedule, it's fine. But are you sure your okay" he asked.
" yeah I am fine" and with that I quickly started walking towards my trailer and saw Bree clinging on Coles arm, walking out of his trailer laughing. At this point I lost it.
I ignored them and started walking even faster towards my trailer and I heard his voice.
" hey Lils, we have a scene" he said and I ignored him again. At that point I saw him walking towards me.
" you okay?" He asked.
" just leave me alone, please" and with that I closed my trailers door on his face. He started knocking on the door and I was ignoring it.
Whenever I got anxious, I always vigorously started cleaning and he walked inside.
" the door was locked" I said confused.
" I have the key" he said, stopping me from cleaning.
" clearly something's wrong. So please tell me." He said and I obviously didn't stop cleaning.
" Bree would be waiting for you" I said with the rudest tone ever ,he literally pulled me and I fell on him.
" I don't care" he said.
" about me? Yeah thought so" I replied with a tear running down my face.
" I don't care about her, I care about you" he replied wiping the tear off my face with his thumb and making me come and sit with him on the couch.
" you were late to set, and you are never late to set" I said.
" I am sorry, I got carried away" he said and I scoffed.
" you are the only one I love, she might be my first love and my first kiss, but I want you to be the last person I kiss and you are the one for me, I can love nobody ever again like I love you. Okay?" He said and I hugged him really tightly.
" I am sorry, I overreacted" I quietly mumbled.
" it's okay, I shouldn't have been spending so much of my time with her" he said and I hugged him even tighter.
" I love you" I said and kissed his chest.
" I love you too" he said and held my face in his hands, and kissed me deeply.
" hey if you don't mind, I have to pee really bad" he said and I chuckled. I free'd him from my grasp and he went to use the loo.
I heard the door open.
" where's Cole" Bree asked in the rudest way possible.
" he's in- " she cut me.
" I know he isn't in here so I don't give a damn. Darling, your just a temporary piece of shit. I am his first love and will always be. Your just some fat bitch, who he THINKS he loves. You did see us so happy walking right now. Oh honey, he's gonna be mine" she says and I was trying to hold my tears back so hard. Everything I was insecure about was put in front of me.

" WHAT THE HELL BREE" I heard Cole scream.
" Cole?! What are you doing here" she asked, startled.
" who the fuck gave you the right to speak all the bullshit, you just spoke"
He said.
"I-" he cut her.
" you know what, I thought you had changed. But some people can never change. I thought we could be friends. But you are still the same. You know what, you'll be all alone and single when me and Lili would be getting married and be having kids. No one can ever love you" he said and I was just sitting there trying to sync in what had just happened.
" you'll come one day crying to me, when she leaves you. You and I both know that she's just a rebound." She said.
" Get out before I call security" I said to her.
" you'll regret this" she said.
" I said get out" I said and pushed her out through the door and Cole pulled me in for a hug. I rested my head in the crook of his neck.
" are you okay" he asked rubbing circles on my back.
" yeah, I am perfectly fine, till the time you are with me" I said kissing his neck and he kissed my head.
" I love you so much" he said and I pulled him in for a long kiss.
" I love you so much too" I said kissing him again.
" you want to marry me and have kids with me" I asked pulling away.
" Yes. I want to have 3 kids with you, 2 girls and one boy" he said with a smile.
" me too" I said kissing him again.

Who was I kidding with all the insecurities. He was it for me. Who else would it be?

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