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A/N: Lili and Cole are in high school in this one.

Lili PoV

Well here I am walking the halls of my school, finding my boyfriend. I just can't wait to see his pretty face, hear his voice and kiss him. I just love him way too much.

I finally spotted him standing with his friends and someone who I so didn't want to. My ex- Boyfriend from my previous school.

" oh shit shit shit shit shit" I said to my self " oh crap what am I gonna do".

My first instinct was to run to him.

" oh my god" I said to myself while running.

" kiss me" I said to Cole.
" what's wrong" he replied.
" just kiss me" I said holding his neck and he smashed his lips with mine.
He pulled away and grabbed my hand walking over to the other side of the area.
" don't get me wrong, I do wanna kiss you, but what's wrong?" He asked, holding my hands.
" remember I told you about my ex boyfriend from my previous school who abused me. Well I don't know what's he doing here, but he's right there" I said pointing towards him.
" oh crap" he said.
" what? What happened?" I asked.
" I just became friends with him, but now I feel like beating the shit out of him" he said and I held his face in my hands.
"Cole promise me, that no matter what he does, you are not gonna beat him, I don't want you to get in trouble because of me" I said.
" that's one promise I am not gonna make" he said.
" Cole" I said looking into his eyes.
" No Lili, if that jerk does anything wrong with you, or even comes near you, I promise, I will remind him of his Mom" he said.
" don't please" was all I could get out of my mouth.
" I love you Lili, and if anyone does anything wrong with you, I will not tolerate that" he said and the bell rang.
" I have to go, but please be careful" he said, kissing me on the forehead.
" I love you" I said and pecked his lips.
" I love you too" He said.

We both moved in opposite directions.

I went and sat inside my class.
I saw KJ and Casey.
They were essentially Cole's best friends, but then we also became pretty good friends.

" hey guys" I said walking over to them.
" is that Mike ( a/n: her ex) dude in this class" KJ asked.
" he ( Cole) spreads the word, pretty fast doesn't he" I said chuckling.
" Is he (Mike)?" Casey asked.
" No" I said looking around.
I was walking to sit somewhere else but KJ called me.
" we literally saved a seat for you Reinhart " he said.
" thanks guys" I said walking back and smiling at them, sitting on the seat they saved me.
"your telling us all the answers" KJ said making me laugh.
"Is that why you saved a seat for me?" I said.
" Hell no!" Casey said.
" we'll beat the shit out of that dude, if he even comes near you" KJ said.
" guys, NO." I said and they ignored me.
I was kind of feeling special, so that many people cared about me and were protective for me. Well the only person who matters is, My Cole.

The bell rang and we were walking outside our classroom. I was standing in between KJ and Casey. We were laughing and making jokes about our teacher.

" Lili, how are you sweetheart?" Mike said coming up to me.
" Get lost Mike" I said sternly.
Both KJ and Casey were looking at me.
" if you don't want to get your ass kicked, you will not even dare to come near Lili" Casey said walking up to him.
" two guys together, that's damn hot Lili" Mike said smirking to me.
" shut up and get lost" I said.
" you heard her, get lost" KJ said and I pulled him back. I he'll the beat the shit out of him.
" awww, you getting protective of that slut" Mike said and I walked over to him.
" I am telling you sweetly right now, if you don't back off, you'll have 3 very muscular guys beat the shit out of you. If you don't want to get yourself beaten, I'd say run" I said.
" or else" Cole said coming out of no where and walking over to him, turning him around and punching his nose.
" how dare did you even have the audacity to call my girlfriend a slut or even talk to her" he said punching him again.
"Cole please, stop" I said pulling him.
" I am telling you , if I ever see you again near her, you'll not see the light of day again" he said to Mike.
" bloody fuckers" Mike said.
KJ and Casey walked right in front of him.
" you want a round two? Cause I won't spare you with only two punches buddy" KJ said.
" she's not worth it" Mike said and ran like a scared dog.

" are you okay?" Cole asked me.
" yeah, you didn't have to do that" I said.
" KJ that goes for you too" I said looking at him.
" No Lils, we were not leaving that bastard without giving him what he deserved." Cole said.
" He's right Lili, he literally called you a 'Slut', if that bitch wouldn't have ran off, I would have beated the shit out of him." KJ said.
" we all care for you Lils. " Casey said.

" Girl are you okay? I heard what happened" Cami said rushing over to me and pulling me from Cole's embrace.
" I am" I said smiling and looking over to all three of them.
" I have the best of friends" I said smiling and looking over to Cole and KJ.
" thank you" KJ said laughing.
" I won't deny that" Cami said.
" well I'm glad you are fine" Cami said and hugged me.
" if you won't mind Cami, can I steal my girlfriend?" Cole asked, pulling me by my waist.
" as if your gonna take no for an answer." Cami said and I laughed.
" well you are right" Cole said and pulled me from the corridors of the school to the bleachers.
" what's up?" I asked him.
" look I just want to know that I hope that you are okay" Cole asked.
" yeah. Yeah I am. I am in fact perfectly fine. Nothing could've even happened to me, you were their." I said with a big smile on my face.
" that bastard" he said and I cupped his cheeks.
" I don't like when someone calls you anything like that" he said accepting.
" I know" I replied.
" I know you are strong, and you won't let anything happen to yourself , but still you know" he said, sounding as if he was proud of me.
" I am strong because of you. You made me strong Cole, you are my strength" I said and he kissed me.
He pulled away and rested his forehead on mine.
" I love you" He said in the sweetest voice ever.
" I love you too" I said and kissed his nose.
He pulled me in for another kiss.

I never had to be scared of anything in my life, I know he'll always be there for me and to protect me. There isn't a word for how awesome he is.

I hope you guys enjoyed reading this because I enjoyed writing this.
Thanks for reading:))


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