sneaking out

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I was laying on my childhood bed, missing the person i was way too used to sleeping with.

I was in ohio, visiting my parents with cole.

cole wasn't meeting them for the first time, but had come to my childhood house for the first time.

my dad very strictly had made it clear a few hours before that we won't be sleeping together in one room.

we did try to defend ourselves, and said we won't have sex, but he just got disgusted and went away.

the guest bedroom was on the ground floor, and my room was on the first floor.

even my mom and dads bedroom was on the first floor and right besides the staircase.

i remember when i was a little girl and i used to try and sneak out of the house, one little creek of the staircase used to wake my dad up.

same is with tess, so he hasn't changed at all.

but i really really wanted to meet him, basically we being in the same house but not in the same room, was what was making me crave for him.

i opened my phone and texted him.

you up?

and immediately it came on typing.

can't sleep without me, huh
i could just feel him smirking.

shut up, i can.

come on, don't lie to me, the full stop just simply proves my point

good lord cole

yes babe
he replied making me annoy. 

okay fine, i can't sleep because i'm not feeling sleepy, might be the coke i had
i tried my best to make an excuse.

you didn't  have coke today babe
and i'm pretty sure he is laughing his ass of right now.

seriously stop noticing me so much

when you are in the room, all i can see is you ;)
he and his flirt lines.

and then it struck, i used to have a hidden rope behind the headboard of my bed. 
my window used to open up to the backyard of our house.

i'm coming down in the backyard, meet me there.



okay okay 
he replied.

okay lili even though it's been a century since you have done this, you can do it.

i was praying gods name and i threw the rope down and tied it to the metal handle.

god save me.
i said and went to climb down the rope.

oh god. oh god. i was freaking out.

and there goes a slip.

i let out a shriek, as in that millisecond i realised that i was going to break my leg.

i squeezed my eyes shut.

and before i knew it i was in someone's arms.

i opened my eyes too see cole, and that he saved me from falling down.

i let out another gasp.

" be careful you maniac" he said and so much worry was evident in his eyes.

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