"I want you"

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Lili PoV

Cole had been shooting his new movie, Five Feet Apart and he had been so busy lately.

Whenever he was free, he had a photo shoot planned.

I mean, I barely see or even talk to him anymore.

The last time he kissed me was probably a week ago.

All we do is "hey" "hi" and "bye".

He comes back late and he sleeps.

I understand that he gets tired, and he needs to rest.

But I am human, he literally doesn't even give me 10 minutes of his day.

I am so pissed at him. I've never been this pissed at anyone ever before.

I feel like my anxiety has also started to act up, because after I moved out of my house, the only thing who can calm me is him. And he is the one who probably is causing my anxiety.

later at night

I hear the door unlocking while I am sitting on the couch, reading a book.

It's almost midnight.

"Heyy" I heard him say and didn't say anything back.

" what's wrong" he asks me.

I ignore him again.

" okay, seriously Lili, why are you ignoring me" he says closing my book and keeping it way.

" ohh so you actually remember me" I say with an extremely pissed tone.

" What do you mean" he replied now confused.

" seriously Cole, for the first time in days you actually come and decided to check on me. Do you even remember the last time you kissed me, leave kiss, even hug me?" I said now really angry.

" it's not like I've been enjoying or partying, I'm working Lili" he replied snapping and now standing up.

" don't snap at me, when you know it's your fault" I reply.

" Lili I can't give you all of my time, I've other things also to do in my life." He says.

" I never asked for all your time Cole, I'm just asking for a little attention from you , because it seems like you don't even remember me" I reply.

" you seriously need to calm down Lili" he replies, infuriating me even more.

" YOU ARE UNBELIEVABLE" I reply practically yelling at him. I went to the guest room and slammed the door shut.

Cole PoV

Lili's actually right , I messed up bad.

She literally cares for me so much and I am just being unreasonable.

Whenever I come back home late at night, which I've been coming for the past few days, she always has kept something ready for me to eat.

Even though it's our apartment, still she's doing literally everything.

All she's asking me for is my time, which she has the right to, she's my girlfriend.

I really love her and I messed up bad this time.

I decided to go and lay down on the couch, knowing her she would probably come out to eat something.

It had already been an hour, but I didn't mind waiting.

I heard the door creak, and I saw her getting out.

I didn't think she saw me, because she headed straight to the fridge , tip toeing, it looked like she didn't want to make any noise.

I did the same and went and hugged her from behind.

I missed her.

She gasped at first but then she sunk into it.

" you scared the shit out of me" she said, I could still sense that she was pretty much pissed at me.

I deserved it.

" I am real sorry Lils" I said resting my head on her shoulders.

" I don't want your sorry Cole , I just want a little bit of your time and attention " she said now putting her hand on mine which was on her stomach.

She turned around looking straight into my eyes.

" I want you" she said.

" I'm all yours tomorrow" I said smiling weakly.

" no Cole , I don't want you to miss your filming" she replied.

" but I already got a holiday tomorrow, and Justin ( director of FFA) understood that." I replied.

" thank you" She said now hugging into me.

I pulled her closer and kissed her, I so missed the softness and warmth of her lips.

I could feel her smile.

"We will do anything you want tomorrow" I said and she smiled, the smile which I hadn't seen in the longest time, the smile that made me fall in love with her.

I picked her up and took her to our room and spooned her.

I could feel her relax into me.

She slowly drifted off and so did I.

I couldn't wait for tomorrow to come, just the idea of being with her the whole day makes me happy.

I said a little " i love you" to her and fell asleep.

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