Date Night

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Cole and Lili don't live together in this oneshot.

Lili PoV

I was getting ready  to go on a date with Cole. We were meeting after 3-4 days, as we both were busy with our work.
I wore a denim skirt with a white coloured deep neck top. To top it of I wore my long dark beige coloured coat and picked my black strap heels with it.

"I'll be down in 10"
I read Cole's message.

I replied.

We both have been together since a little more than a year, and this was the first time, I was ready before time.
I made him wait for 30 minutes in my apartment, when he was taking me out for our first date.

I chuckled.

I went to pick my bag up from my kitchen counter and saw another message he sent me.

"I am down, want me to come up, if you are not ready yet?"

I laughed looking at the message, he knew me too well, but I am just really excited to meet him and so I started getting ready 2 hours ago. Yeah.
I locked my apartment door and headed downstairs.

There he was, sitting in his car, looking at his phone and swirling his hair around with his free hand and looking so handsome.
He was wearing his signature white shirt with black denim pants.
Every time I look at him, it feels like I am falling for him all over again.
I was staring at him.
I decided to get out of my dreaming and knocked on the car window.

" it's open" he mouthed.

I opened the car door and got inside the car.

" Heyy" I said sitting inside the car.
" you look-" he said and I cut him.
" gorgeous, I know" I chuckled
" you don't look bad yourself".
" I was about to say breathtaking, but gorgeous works too" he said chuckling and I leaned to kiss him.
It was a soft kiss and he pulled away.
" come on let's go" he said.
" I love you" I said giving him a peck on his cheeks.
" I love you too" he said, his eyes on the road now.
" which direction did the sun come out from today" he said and I laughed.
" what" I said.
" you got ready, on time, that's something new." He said looking at me.
" eyes on the road Sprouse" I said laughing and pushing his face on the road.
" but seriously, what's the occasion" he said still laughing.
" I just didn't want to waste any time" I said, taking my eyes off him.
" someone missed me" he said smirking and I hit his arm.
" shut up" I said.

I put on some music from my phone and we chatted and jammed along the songs throughout the 25 minute drive.

" we are here" he said parking the car and getting out.
I also got out, straightening my skirt.
We headed towards the restaurant.
(a/n: look at the picture above, that's how they walk.)

He pulls out a chair for me to sit.
" well aren't you a gentleman" I said.
" damn straight I am" he said laughing.
" I'll be back in a sec" I said getting up.
" where are you going" he asked.
" ladies room" I replied.

While I was heading back towards our table I saw the waitress flirting with him.

" I really like your hair and your style" she said loud enough for me to hear.
" thanks" he said with a weak smile on his face.
I walked over to him and slid my hand on his neck, taking it inside from there.
He jumped and then he saw me.
" your back" he said, with a relief.
I leaned to kiss him and it was a passionate kiss. The waitress was burning with anger and she walked away.
I pulled away and sat down on my chair.
" what'd you order?" I asked him.
" a red arabiata (pasta) and sangria for you. Grilled chicken and a beer for myself." He said.
" thank you" I said, knowing he ordered my favourite dish.

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