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Lili PoV

Cole was shooting and I was in our apartment scrolling different interior designing websites.
I wanted to redecorate the two guest bedrooms in our apartment, considering it was a 3 BHK apartment and one room was mine and Cole's.

I came across different websites and people who do this kind of stuff.

I checked the time and saw Cole's message which said he has a break from shooting.
I decided to call him but his phone was going busy.

Cole PoV

I was shooting my new movie and finally had a break from shooting.
I messaged Lili that I was free, so she could call me.
My phone started ringing and it was Mrs. Reinhart, Lili's mom.
I was a bit confused at first but picked up the call.

" Hello Mrs. Reinhart" I said.
" Cole. Hi" she said sounding as if she was crying.
" Mrs. Reinhart, is everything fine" I asked politely.
" Cole I need to tell you something" she said.
" yeah? " I asked.
" I don't have the heart to tell this to Lili so I'm hoping that you could tell it to her" she said taking a deep breath.
" okay..." I said.
" Lili's Aunt Sarah and her Uncle Dave passed away this morning in a massive car crash" she said and a little sob escaped her lips.
" their funeral is tomorrow" she said.
" I-Is Addy Okay?" I asked stuttering, afraid of the answer.
I know how much Lili loves Addy, Lili's like a second mother to her.
" she was with us" she answered.
I sighed in relief.
" I'm so sorry for your loss Mrs. Reinhart. Lili and I will be there at their funeral." I said.
" thank you Cole." She said.
" take care Mrs. Reinhart, I'll inform Lili" I said. 

As easy as it was to say that, I know it's not going to be even 0.5% easy to tell Lili.

" Thank you Cole. I know it's not going to be easy for you too, but I couldn't do it" she said.
" I know Mrs. Reinhart" I replied.
" I'll see you at the funeral" she said.
" goodbye" I said and she hung up.

" Jake I'm afraid that I won't be able to shoot for another week" I told the director.
" and why is that" he asked.
" there's a death in the family" I said contemplating whether to say my or not.
" oh. I'm sorry for your loss. Go home take care" he said with a smile.

I immediately messaged my assistant to book 2 tickets to New Orleans for tonight.

I reached home and kept sitting in my car for at least 10 minutes on analysing how to tell Lili.
I can't. But I have to.
A tear escaped my eyes thinking how hurt Lil is going to be.

I opened the door with my keys and went up the stairs to mine and Lili's bedroom.
She was sitting on the bed with her glasses on scrolling through her laptop.
A little smile escaped my lips, seeing how cute she was looking.
But tears escaped my eyes.
I was not very close to her aunt and uncle, but they were good people and really close and important to Lili.

She picked up her phone and called someone.
My phone rang.

" Cole?" She said with a chuckle.
" Lili.  Hey" I said and quickly wiped my tears.
She stood up and came and wrapped her arms around my neck.
" You are back early" she said chuckling.
" Lili I need to tell you something" I said and took a deep breath.
" but first me. You know I was searching on all these websites on redecorating rooms. I really want to redo our guest bedroom" she said.
" Lili I'm serious" I said.
" okay" she replied .
" you want to sit down for this" I said and we both sat on the bed.
I held her hands in mine.
" you are scaring me" she said with a chuckle.
" Lili, your Aunt Sarah and Uncle Dave" I said and took in another deep breath.
" what about them" she asked. 
" they passed away today morning in a massive car crash" I replied.
"what" she said her voice cracking.
" I'm sorry" I said.
" I-Is A-Addy o-okay" she asked stuttering.
" yeah" I replied.
" your mom called about half an hour ago. She couldn't tell it to you" I said " the funeral is tomorrow morning and our tickets to New Orleans are booked for tonight."
" aunty Sarah was like a second mom to me" she said tears escaping her eyes.
" Uncle Dave was so good to me" she said.
" I know" I replied and hugged her tightly.
She stayed still.
" Lils" I whispered rubbing her back.
She broke into sobs.
I hugged her tightly holding in my tears.

" Addy" she mumbled.
" Cole Addy" she repeated and pulled away.
" I know love" I said.
" I am her godmother. I'll be a mother to Addy. Her whole life will be here in New York now." She said.
" I know" I replied.
" C-Cole, does Addy know?" She said.
" I'm afraid not" I said.
" how am I going to tell her" she said and hugged me.
" it's okay, we'll do it together." I said trying to comfort her.
" She'll be heart broken" Lili said.
" She's just 5 years old and has already lost her mom and dad"Lili said tears escaping her eyes.
I couldn't hold in my tears anymore.
" I'll be with you through all of this, I promise" I said and hugged her.

Time Skip

It was 9 pm here in New Orleans.
Lili and I had just reached and Addy came running to greet us.
" Lili" She said so happily and jumped in her arms.
" Addy" Lili said and kissed her cheeks.
" You brought Cole with you" she said and I chuckled.
" yeah" I said and kissed her cheeks.
" I have so much to tell you Cole" she said and I again chuckled.
" I would love to hear it all" I said.
She motioned to come in my arms.
I took her in mine from Lili and a little smile escaped her lips.

Lili PoV

Another Time Skip of 7 days

It has been a week since Cole and I are here in New Orleans.
The funeral of Aunt and Uncle is done and went fine.
Cole has been like a solid rock for me.
I know I couldn't have handled any of it if he wasn't with me.
But now I have to do the talk with him which I'm the most scared about.

" Lili, can we talk" my mom asked.
" sure, mom" I said and went and sat besides her on the couch.
" Lili are you sure you are ready to be a mom?" My mom asked.
" yeah mom. I'm sure. I'll get Addy in a good school and I'll take care of her" I said assuring her.
" I know you'll be great" my mom said with a smile.
" have you talked to Cole?" She said.
" I was just going to talk to him" I said a little nervous.
" okay" she replied.

I got up and went in my room. 
I saw Cole and Addy playing with Addy's toys.
He has always been so great with Addy, he spent so much time with Addy in these past few days when we all were mourning.
He used to take her for ice cream, on bicycle rides and what not.

I was just staring at how great they both were together.
Out of nowhere Addy jumped on him and hugged him. She pressed her lips on his cheek.
" I love you so much Cole" she said to him.
" and I love you too" he replied and pressed a kiss on her cheeks.
A tear rolled down my cheeks, a happy tear, they both were so adorable together.
" Lil" he said looking at me.
A few more tears rolled down and I chuckled.
I went and sat with them on the bed.
" you okay?" He asked rubbing my back.
" yeah. Addy Aunty Amy is calling you" I told Amy, since I didn't want to have this conversation with Cole in front of her.

" what's up" he asked still rubbing my back.
" Cole we need to talk" I said.

Part 2 will be up super soon!

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