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Jughead PoV

It had been a rough week for both of us. Betty and Me. She officially had no place to live in. I felt bad for my girlfriend. She was living with me , but nobody knew except JB(guys JB isn't bad in this oneshot). I really liked how she supported our  relationship. My mom had no clue that I was dating her. All four of us were living in a cramped up trailer. Actually five. Betty didn't wanna live with her mom, considering she was influenced by that insane cult and I didn't want to let her live at Veronica's, considering the fact that Hiram Lodge knew how much we both hated him. We used to get over with school, stay back at the blue and gold office, eat dinner at pops, then head to Archie's and back to my place to sleep, when JB used to call and inform me that everyone was asleep. Sure it was hectic, but she had no choice and I couldn't leave her helpless. I loved her way too much for that.
We both were at Archie's, watching a movie , until I heard my phone ring and the caller ID was JB.
"Everyone asleep?" I asked her and Betty looked up at me.
"Yeah" she replied.
"Thanks JB. Love you" I said and hung up.
We both left from his house and as we were hoping on my motercycle.
"Thanks so much Jug, for everything" Betty said.
"No need to thank me Betty, I love you and I care for you." I replied and we went to my trailer.
"Hey if you get uncomfortable at night just tell me, I'll move to the sofa from the mini bed" I said.
"You can never make me uncomfortable Jug, on the contrary, I feel the safest and the most comfortable in your embrace." She said kissing me.
"I love you" I said, getting on the bed, cuddling with her.
" I love you too" she replied and we both fell asleep.

Time Skip to Morning

I woke up at Betty constantly moving,considering the space was really small.
"What are you doing" I said groaning and when I saw her, my eyes widened, seeing she was removing her pants. "Woah" I said " relax jughead" she replied "you do know that right we can't do it right now" I said " of course I know that! I am trying to change my clothes because I have to go and meet my mom for breakfast, apparently she has some news to tell" she replied " let me help you" I said " but it's just 6 in the morning" " you know my mom jughead" she replied. I helped her take her pants and underwear off and went to my closet and grabbed her clothes, which were lying at the very back. She quickly changed. "Let me go and drop you" I said and she nodded her head.
Thankfully I got back home before anyone woke up.
"Jug it's like  I see you barely anymore" my mom said and I jumped a little.
"Yeah, I've been busy" I replied.
" Be ready by 8, I've somewhere to take you all" she said.
"Yeah okay" I replied.
It was about 7 now and decided to call and check on Betty.
" hey, are you ok" I asked.
" I don't know Jug" she replies.
"What's wrong" I asked.
" my mom sold the house to an anonymous buyer" she said.
" what" I replied shook.
" yeah I'll meet you at school" she said.
" bye, I love you and also I might reach a little late, my mom wants to take us all somewhere to show something to us" I said
" I'll meet you soon" she replied and hung up.
We were in my dads sherrif car, my mom driving. I realised that she was going towards Elm Street, where Betty's house was.
"Mom where are we going" I asked her.
" I bought a house" and she pulled up in front of Betty's house.
"What" me , my dad and JB said in unison.
" Wait this house"  I said and saw Betty and Mrs. Cooper getting out of the house with boxes. We all got out of the car.
" Jug what are you doing here" Betty asked me. 
" how do you know my son" my mom asked her.
Mrs. Cooper interrupted them and said " you must be the buyer Gladys"
" YOU SOLD OUR HOUSE TO THE JONES'ES MOM?" Betty yelled at her mom.
" not to me" my dad and I said in unison.
" I bought the house" my mom said. 
" We can't live here mom" I said
" but why" she said.
" this is Betty's house"
" can someone tell me how do you both know each other" she said.
" we are dating mom" I said
" your dating ALICE'S daughter" she said.
" well yeah" I replied.
" I am not going to live here" I said.
" then where do you plan on staying" my mom asked.
" I'll live in the trailer" I replied.
I knew my mom didn't like me so she didn't give a fuck about it.

Time Skip to Evening

well we have the whole trailer to ourselves" I said to Betty smirking and unbuttoning my shirt.
" well yeah" she said kissing me.
I picked her up without breaking the kiss and took her to my bedroom, which was mine again.
and then things got heated.

after they did it :-
" you do know that right that , your staying with me" I said smirking.
" are you asking me to move in Jug" she said caressing my cheek.
" well we have been constantly together for the past two weeks and I know that it's a little small from where you used to live but-" I said. She cut me kissing my lips softly.
" is that a yes" I asked pulling away , our foreheads rested on each  other and our noses touching. "You are home Jug" she said in her angelic voice and I pulled her even closer to me. I hadn't been happier.

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