Grumpy Mood

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Cole and Lili are in high school !

Lili PoV ( Lili's outfit is above)

I just reached school and straight away went to my locker to keep my books.
I fought with Tess in the morning, and now here I am in a grumpy mood to school.

My eyes scanned the room to find Cole.
There he was engaged in a conversation with Kimmy.
I wasn't insecure about him talking to other girls, but right now all I wanted was a hug from him.

Our eyes met and he passed me a smile, I returned a weak smile and turned my head around.

I was keeping my books in my locker and saw the photo of Cole and I kissing, I caressed the photo and a smile crept its way. I closed my locker and saw they both were still talking.

I started walking towards my class  and felt someone hug me from behind.
" hey babe" Cole said and I just groaned.
" what Cole" I replied.
" nothing?" He said and stood in front of me.
" you jealous?" He chuckled.
" you know I'm never jealous" I said.
" then whats up?" He asked.
" just leave me alone, okay" I said and walked past him.
He held my hand and pulled me.
" please" I replied and went.

I walked till my class and sat on my desk.
Cole also walked in.
I forgot that he and I had the same class today morning.

He didn't come and sit besides me, but sat next to any random person, whose not to mention but shocked.

" hey Lili everything good between you and Cole" someone who was sitting in front of me, who I didn't even know asked.
" who are you again?" I replied.
" ummm M-Marcus" the guy said.
" why do you want to know?" I said.
" if you guys broke up, would you mind going on a date with me?" He said.
" One, no we are not broken up and two, even if we were I wouldn't go on a date with you" I said.
" o-okay" he said and turned.
" can I have a pencil?" He asked again.
" no" I replied with a disgusted face.

I saw Cole ,who was mind you laughing looking at me.

This was one thing I both loved and hated about him.
He always gave me my space, even when I didn't need it, like right now.

He was still looking at me and chuckling.
" come here" I mouthed to him.
He got up and came and sat next to me.
" you good?" He asked still laughing.
" it's not even that funny" I said and put my head on his shoulder.
" hey dude" Cole said poking the guy sitting in front of me.
" yeah?" He turned around.
" think twice before hitting on a taken girl again. " he said.
" I'm sorry" Marcus said and turned around.
" not even a minute in and guys already hitting on you, a little too much in demand are you." He chuckled.
" shut up" I said and closed my eyes.

After Class

The class was over and we walked out of the class room.
" so now tell me what's wrong?" He said and intertwined our hands.
" I just-" I was interrupted by Kimmy.
" Hey Cole, we still up for the oral history report, right?" She asked him.
" yup" He said and I looked at him.
" so my mom won't really allow a boy over, would you mind if we do your place after school?" She asked.
" sure!" he said.
" great, we can go back to your place together?" She asked.
" okay ." Cole said.
" see you, bye" she said and went.

" tell me now" Cole said to me and Marcus was coming.
" hey Marcus, you doing the oral history report with someone" I asked Marcus.
" N-No N-Not yet" he stuttered.
" great we'll do it together" I said.
"I-I don't want to get beaten up" he said.
" who'll beat you?" I asked.
" your boyfriend. Okay bye" he said and rushed.
" wait, no" I sighed.

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