perfect together

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After my first break up with the man that i love, i promised myself to never fall in love with anyone ever again.

it just hurts too bad when you have to see someone you love walk out the door, and know that it's all over.

to hear they have fallen out of love with you.

it hurts way too bad.

i promised myself, never again.

it had been one whole year, since riverdale  had started shooting.

one year since i have known cole.

i still remember, when we both talked for the first time, my heart whispered

just one more time.

but no.

i was stubborn.

i'm never falling in love ever again.

he told me that one time when we went on a date, he likes me.

i got paranoid and ran away.

KJ, Dylan, Coles best friend Craig, Cami, Casey and an endless number of people tried to convince me to date him.

tried to tell me that we are good for each other.

how could i have told them, i couldn't break that guys heart, he could not just be a fling.
he's meant for true love.
not the harshness and cruelness that came  with me.

he's too good for that, i didn't deserve him.

yes, i had been in my set of relationships, but before it got too far, i used to break up.

a little unfair to them, sure.

but no, i was never going through that ever again.


Well, the whole cast was sitting in the make up trailer and chatting and gossiping.

i could feel someone's eyes on me, i knew they were cole's.

deep down in my heart, at that time, i always knew, i had some unspoken thing for him.

something i had promised myself never to have with anyone.

i knew i couldn't fight it for long, but i wasn't ready to accept it.

i looked up to see him, and he immediately looked away, giving me goosebumps and butterflies in my stomach.

one more time Lili
my heart whispered.

i bit my lip unknowingly and looked down at my feet blushing.

Cami suddenly pulled me by my arm, and dragged me outside the trailer, pulling me out of my own world which i was lost in.

" I am done with the both of you" cami said, a little harsh.

" cam, what are you talking about"

" what am i talking about? i can't see you both anymore hurting"

" cami, i am not getting a thing"

" Lili, you and cole. You both like each other, maybe love. i don't know."

" don't use that word" i said looking down at my feet again.

" look at me Lili. he's a hot single guy. waiting for you, he's head over heels for you, you have also no less fallen for him.
what is keeping you away from him ? why are you torturing yourself and him?"

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