Family Dinner Pt. 2

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Lili PoV

Oh my god, oh my god!!

What am I gonna do!!

It's literally 7:10 and Cole will come and pick me up in no time.

I know him. I know he will come early. Why did I have to sleeeppp!!

All of these thoughts were rushing my mind in nervousness that i was 100% sure that i was going to be late for my first date with cole.

I went in my closet and was practically frustrated that I didn't have anything to wear.

It was 7:30 now and i had no outfit ready.

My hair, make up nothing was done.

I was just running around my house like a crazy lady.

Cole POV

Me being me , obviously decided to reach her apartment early. It was just 7:45 when I reached her apartment.

I was standing outside her door when I heard her yelling

" actually knowing him 5 , he will reach early" I chuckled and rang her apartment bell.

" oh my god he is here" i heard her saying again.

" heyyyy" she said opening the door.

" hey, is everything alright" i laughed.

" you think?" she replied letting me in.

" i don't know" i chuckled.

" well we are going to be late on our first date because of me"

" that's okay, we'll be a little late"

"How do you even like me?"

" what do you mean" i asked.

" like i'm literally mess before going to our first date"

" heyy, it's okay, stop stressing over it so much" i said sitting besides her and rubbing her back.

" i guess you are right, just wait 15 mins" she said and got up.

after 10 minutes, she came back outside, looking pretty frustrated.

" I swear if I go in there once more, I'll rip someone's head off" she said and I chuckled.

"mind if i try to get something" i asked.

" no" she said sighing.

i went inside her walk in closet and saw what a mess it was.

I found a plain black body hugging dress with an oversized denim jacket for her.

I went outside and gave it to her.

" this works?" i asked.

" yes it's perfect " she cried.

" you have good taste Sprouse" she said relieved.

"I still have to do my hair and makeuppp" she said growling.

" you look good natural" I said.

She smiled at me and went and put her clothes on.

She came and hugged me. "I don't know what I'd do without you" she said kissing me

" Can we leave now, we are already late!" I said

"yes I am so excited" she said cheerfully and I was happy to see her like this.

Time Skip

We were driving back to my apartment, because she wanted to see what my place looks like. It was literally the best date i had ever been on.

We talked like we never lost contact.

We reached at my place and she had her heels in her hands.

" my legs hurt so bad Cole even though we were just sitting the whole time" she said.

I picked her up bridal style.

" better?" i asked.

" yeah" she blushed.

I carried her till my room and as soon as we reached inside and i put her on my bed.

she pulled my by my collar and kissed me.

the kiss deepened and i was on top of her.

"Are you sure you wanna do this" I asked.

" never been more sure my whole life"

I unzipped her and the rest as they say is history.

I woke up Lili wrapped all around me, her hands around my waist and our legs intertwining.

I hadn't been this happy in a while.

I decided to make her breakfast in bed and put my boxers on.

I made her a hot chocolate ,myself some coffee and made peanut butter sandwiches for the both of us.

I put it all in a tray and took it inside.

I started kissing all over her face to wake her up.

"I'm up I'm up" she said and it made me laugh. She suddenly pulled me and started kissing me.

" we can eat breakfast and then we can continue" I said in between kisses.

" you made breakfast" she asked.

" yes" I said and got up

" I miss having breakfast in bed so much , since I've moved out , no one has taken care of me" she said.

" now you have me , who'll be at your service 24/7" I said grabbing our breakfast and threw a T-shirt at her.

We had become each other's happy place.

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