"For Coming in my Life"

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3rd PoV

Lili had just wrapped up from shooting, she had wrapped up pretty early which only happened once in a while.

She couldn't wait to go home, cuddle with Cole while watching movies.

A smile came across her face just imagining all this.

Cole still had to do a few scenes before wrapping up, but she was willing to wait and go home with him.

She was walking towards his trailer and she heard little voices of yelling come from his trailer.

She entered his trailer and he didn't get to know.

" Dylan why don't you ever understand, you need to unwrap yourself from Barbara's little finger and for once, just once listen to me."

" You don't even dare speak shit about Lili and I "

" There's no point even talking to you, you have lost your mind"

She heard him yelling at Dylan.

He sat on the edge of the sofa and started sobbing and his anxiety started acting up.

She knew this didn't happen very often, in fact this happened very rarely.

" Heyy it's all gonna be fine" she said hugging him and rubbing his back.

" when did you come" he said, wiping his tears sniffling.

" I overheard yours and Dylan's half of the conversation." She replied

" oh" he said trying to control his tears.

" you can cry, it's just me here" she replied in a soft voice.

" no no, I don't want to stress you out" he said

" you are the last thing on this planet that can give stress to me" she said caressing his cheek.

He broke down into sobs on her shoulder and hid his face in the palm of his hands.

" do you want to talk about it?" Lili asked

" I really think you should go"

This is what he always did when he got anxiety, pushed people away, specially the ones whom he loved the most.

She knew this would happen.

" You are so not pushing me away right now" she said

" please Lili, I don't want you to go through anything" he replied.

" Cole Mitchell Sprouse, if you even dare to push me away, I'll steal all your cameras and never return them"
She said trying to lighten the mood.

" everything which is mine is yours Lils" he replied sniffling.

" exactly Cole, so I want you to share with me, talk to me and let your guard down in front of me." She said.

" but-" he started, but she cut him.

" no if's or but's, between us. If you don't want to share right now it's ok, but right now I need you to match your breath to mine" she said and he nodded.

After he calmed down, she quickly went to the little kitchen , grabbed him some water and messaged Roberto, that he's done for the day.

She gave him some water.

" thanks Lili, thanks for taking caring of me" he said and she cupped his cheeks.

" no need to say thanks , this is very little in front of what you do for me, literally everyday"

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