miserable without him?

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Lili PoV

" hey, don't be sad" he said.
" it's been 4 weeks cole"
" I know love. i'll try to get back as soon as i can"
" i was so excited to meet you after a month. a whole month. finally"
" i promise i'll try to get back as soon as i can"
" hmm let's see how long is your as soon as i can"
"you can call dylan and barbara over tonight"
" good idea. i'm gonna do that"
" i have to go now. bye love you"
" love you too" i said and hung up.

I was in New York alone in mine and cole's apartment. I was so desperately waiting for him to come back.
we literally haven't seen each other in over a month and it sucks.
he has been in london and i'm here in NY.

we were finally about to meet, but he got a last minute assignment from some british photography company which whatsoever he couldn't say no to.

i called dylan and barbara over for dinner. 
i didn't have had anything to do since my shooting for hustlers ended almost a week ago.

it had been a nice relaxing week, but i'm all alone in here, so pretty boring as well.
cole's friends are pretty generous to have lunch and dinner with me a few times this week, but i just miss him.

time skip to when d and b come over. 

" dylan, heyyy" i said opening the apartment door.
" lils" he replied and we hugged.
" heyy barbara" i said and hugged her.
" lili, what's up" she asked.
" guess what. i'm bored" i said.
" missing your lover boy?"
" no! i mean yes! it's just there's not really much for me to do here and plus i keep disturbing you guys and duan and craig" i ranted.
" lili you don't disturb us, we enjoy our time with you" dylan pitched in.
" you are really sweet to say that" i smile.
"you are more fun than cole. it's a plus point to be around him" dylan said, making me laugh.
" don't say that dylan. she's missing him" barbara said making me laugh harder.
" well that is true" i said.
" they both are miserable without each other" barbara said.
" oh please. no we are not" i say.
" yeah sure" dylan mocked.
" let me send you to london for a month, and keep barbara here with me. then we'll see whose miserable" i said to dylan.
" hey i get your miserable, but don't make me" dylan said and put his arm around barabara, earning a chuckle from her.
" honestly lili, i'd love to send him somewhere for a month and have an awesome girls time with you, he annoys me too much" barabara said making me laugh.
" i am offended" dylan said and pouted.
" i'm joking dumbo" she said and he pecked her lips.

they were so cute.

but that just made me miss cole even more.

we ordered chipotle, and they left by midnight to their apartment.

i facetimed cole, but he didn't pick up my call. strange, since it would be around the day there at this time.

i decided to let it pass thinking he'd be busy.

i slept, again without having to cuddle him and rest my head on his chest, listen to his heartbeat which never failed to calm me down.

i was just missing him way too much.
maybe i am miserable without him.

that's it tomorrow morning the first thing i do is book a flight to london.
i have nothing to do here anyway, and that way if not the whole day ( considering he would be busy), then at least i'll get to see him in the night.

the next morning

it was 9:00 am when i woke up.
i woke up in a really grumpy mood.
i dragged myself out of bed.
i was in cole's t-shirt and black booty shorts.
my hair really messy.
i poured some milk in a bowl, put cereal and sat on the kitchen counter scrolling my phone.

i was most probably grumpy because i had been having a count down for this day, since cole was supposed to come back today, but guess that's not happening now.

cole pov

I had successfully convinced lili that I had gotten a project here to do in London, which was obviously not true.

i knew she was really waiting for me to come back home and i am too excited to meet her finally, but me being me decided to poke some fun out of it.
I am returning today, it's just that she doesn't know.
and her reaction will be a million dollar reaction.

i took a cab from the airport to my apartment.

i reached home. i rung the bell and was waiting for the door to open.

i heard footsteps approaching the door, and my heart beat got a little faster.
seeing her again after a month gave me butterflies in my stomach.

" cole?" she said confused.
" surprise!!" i exclaimed and she ran to hug me so tight that i actually lost balance and went a few steps back.
i chuckled.

" i'm back" i said rubbing her back.
" you weren't supposed to be back for a while"
" guess i am" i said and kissed the lips i was dying to kiss.
it got a little intense.
" let's take this inside?" i pulled away.
" so how'd you manage to come back? didn't you get a project there?" Lili said closing the door.
" that was just to prank you" i laughed.
" hey that was really mean. i was literally depressed that i wasn't gonna meet you for another 2 weeks or something"
" but now i'm all yours" i said and wrapped my hands around her waist, pulling her close to me.
" mmmhmm" she mumbled and kissed me.
" but never do something like this again" she said pulling away.
" can you please let me kiss you in peace after waiting for this moment for a whole month" i said.
" yes" she giggled and kissed me.

so i am not dead 😂
but yeah i am posting like after two months.
gonna be honest with y'all.
i feel like i am not good at writing these, so i have like a dozen written in draft but i never post them.
anyway, i got the courage to post this one.
so here you go, i hope it wasn't bad.

if you have some extra time please comment your views if you want me to continue or not. don't feel like people like these. anyway.

thank for reading 💓

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