video call

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cole and i had been talking since the past 7 hours and god alone knows how fast the time went.

we were on video call, and it was 5 in the morning now.

he took a really big yawn while cracking a joke.

i laughed.

" as funny as that was we should really sleep now"

" yeah you are right" he yawned again.

" you look really sleepy" i laughed.

" it's 5 in the morning, what do you expect" he laughed.

" i wish you were here right now" i whispered looking at him.

" don't make those cute eyes, i can't drive like half asleep"

" i am not making any cute eyes" i laughed.

" yes you are, see again"

"then don't look at me"

" that's not possible, you are the sight for sore eyes" i laughed at the jughead reference he made.

" oh shut up" i said and picked up a cushion in order to throw at him, but i realised he's not besides me.

" you can't hit me" he laughed coming closer to the camera.

" yeah i realised that"

i layed down and yawned.

" i'm coming over tomorrow, okay?"

" yeah, come as soon as you wake up" i chuckled.

" okay done" he laughed " i'll not even have a shower or brush my teeth"

" yeah, as soon as your eyes open, drive here. don't mind putting on your t-shirt too"

" as you say" he laughed.

" now sleep, wake up fast and come to me fasttttt" i chuckled.

" okay. sleep tight"

" goodnight" i said and pressed my lips on my laptop screen where his face was.

" goodnight" he said and passed a flying kiss to me, i pretended to catch it and put it on my heart.

" i love you bye"

" i love you too" he said and i ended the call.

i shut my laptop and sighed while laying on my bed, and taking in a deep breath.

there are many nights i miss him so much, waking up in his arms, but since the past few days it has been crazy.

i mean it's practically become impossible for me to sleep without him.

when i know he is sleeping besides me, or i am in his arms, i instantly feel safe and relaxed.

but, oh well, not one of those nights.

after a while of me not being able to sleep, i hear my bedroom door creak open.

i got shit scared, but then i looked who it was


" hey" he whispered and got in between my legs.

"what are you doing here? you literally drove here shirtless "

" your wish is my command" he chuckled and rested his face on my stomach, while his whole body was in between my legs.

" what?" i laughed.

" you were literally giving me those cute eyes"

" shut up, i was not"

" yes you were" he said and placed a kiss on my stomach making me laugh.

my hands tangled with his hair and i pulled his hair, trying to make him stop.

" oww" he groaned as i pulled on his hair. 

" not my stomach"

he again went to kiss my stomach, making me laugh and jolt my hips up.

" it tickles" i said trying to stop him.

he looked at me laughing.

" come here" i whispered.

he came in the crawling position, and crawled up to me.

his whole body was above me and he leant down to kiss me and then he fell on the side and scooped me up in his arms.

" you shouldn't have come if you were sleepy"

" but i was missing you" he said and looked in my eyes.

"i was too" i said hugging him tighter.

he put his legs on top of mine and closed his eyes.

" something could've happened to you" i whispered

" how?"

" you were almost asleep, and you drove till here, it's not safe"

" i washed my face before driving"

" that's not enough, if something happened to you, i couldn't live with myself, you did this today, never again, promise me" i said looking at him.

" okay promise, but what if i never have to do this again, like drive till your place"

" you are saying you'll never come to my apartment ever again"

" i'll not come to your apartment ever again, and we don't have to talk the whole night over a video call"

" you'll not even talk to me at night, because you drove all the way here once" i said pushing him and getting out of his grasp.

" what if we live together and you understand what i am saying" he said with a big smile on his face.

" live together?"

" now you understand" he chuckled, but looked nervous.

" yes! yes! yes!"  i squealed and got on top of him, kissing him.

he wrapped his hands around me and flipped us, so that he was on top.

" i love you, so much" he said.

" i love you so much" i whispered back. 

" your place or mine?" he asked resting himself on top of me.

" obviously mine"

" but my place is closer to work"

" and my place has a better view"

" my place almost has all of your stuff"

" but my place is bigger"

" but you like my apartment more, you said that when you were drunk"

" come on, i did not say that"

" yeah you did"

" even if i would've, only because you live there"

" awwww"

" shut up, we are still moving here"

" no we are moving to my place"

and then we continued arguing till about 7 am, and finally came to the conclusion that we'll look for a new place together, and till then i'll live at his place, only because it's closer to work.

he fell asleep quickly, but my sleep had gone away long ago in the night.

i couldn't get enough of him, it was morning now, and i couldn't sleep.

usually, i would fell asleep really quickly in his arms, but today i was beyond excited.

i was going to live with him, no more nights without him, no more nights missing and wishing he was besides me or i was in his arms.

life may not be perfect at the moment, but it was almost there.

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