Family Jealosy

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Cole and Lili have been dating for more than 3 years in this oneshot.

Lili PoV

We had a break from filming and decided to spend our break at my parents place.
It was 3:30 am when we reached, our flight had been delayed.

Here we are standing outside my house at 3:30 in the morning.
" there's no point in ringing the bell" he said.
" yeah I'll call Tess, I'm pretty sure she would be up" I said.
I called Tess and she picked it up within 5 seconds.
" why aren't you asleep Tess" I said.
" where are you guys" she asked.
" outside" I replied.
" want me to open the door?" She asked.
" why else would I call you" I said.
" okay fine" she said and hung up.

She opened the door.
" hi guysss" She Said.
" keep it down" Cole said and they side hugged.
" hello to you too Cole" she said chuckling.
" Hi Tessy" I said annoying her.
" don't call me that" she said and we hugged.

We went inside.

" go sleep now" I said as we both walked towards our room.
Our rooms were side by side.
" yeah okay. Don't be loud you too" she said and walked inside her room.
" shut up" I said.
As soon as we walked inside my room Cole removed his shirt.
" I'm tired" he said and plonked himself on the bed.
" I love your bed" he said making himself comfortable.
" why" I said as I opened my suitcase to take out my night shorts.
" because we have no choice but to cuddle and sleep" he said and a slight chuckle escaped my lips.
My bed was a little bigger than a single bed and smaller than a double bed.
" as if we don't everyday" I said chuckling.
" but you know, we have to cuddle closer" he said.
" your a weirdo" I said and went inside my bathroom to change.

I walked outside wearing his T-shirt and my shorts and saw he had already slept.
I got in bed and put my head on his chest and wrapped my self around him.

The Next Morning

I woke up to no one besides me in bed.
I got up and used the washroom and headed downstairs.
There were voices of chitter chatter and giggles coming.
I was walking like a dead zombie, rubbing my eyes.
" good morning sleeping beauty" Tess said.
" morning" I replied.
Everyone was sitting on the kitchen counter stools and eating breakfast.
I saw Cole having a conversation with my dad and my mom busy making eggs.
" Hi dad" I said.
"Lils" he said and hugged me.
" we didn't miss you" Chloe said.
" shut up Chloe" My mom said and hugged me.
I went and sat besides Cole.
" Morning" I said and kissed his cheeks.
" good morning" he said. He has always been a morning person.
" Cole how are you not annoyed by her stealing your clothes all the time?" Tess said to Cole and he chuckled.
" I mean whenever we FaceTime, hardly anytime I see her in her clothes" She said.
" Don't be jealous Tess" I said.
" I feel bad for Cole" she replied. 
They were all engrossed in their conversation with Cole.
It was good to see how much he had bonded with my family in the past years.
We all had breakfast and then took the dogs for a walk ( RIP Delilah).

Time Skip to Evening

" Cole why don't you take Lili for a ride on my bike" my dad said and I shot my head up.
" what" I said.
" yeah he told me when you guys came last time, how fond he is of riding bikes" my dad said.
" are you sure?" Cole asked.
" yeah  obviously, you two can go till the river and come back for dinner" my dad said.
" it'll be fun" Cole said.

My dad was really possessive about his Rolls Royce and now he's letting Cole ride it.
I mean that's some serious bonding out there.

" you are going to need to hold tight" Cole said hoping on the bike.
I hoped behind him.
" please don't make me fall" I said.
" not in a life time babe" he replied.
I kept my head on his shoulders and held him tight.

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