I'm sorry

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Lili PoV

" Can you just shut up for one minute Cole." I said holding my head in my hands.
" Seriously Lili? You are telling me to shut up." Cole said all annoyed.
" you are the one who cancelled on our date, which by the way we haven't gone to one in forever, to go and hangout with KJ, just because he was feeling lonely.What about me huh?" I said.
" I literally have dinner and breakfast with you almost everyday. What's the problem in me going out with my best friend one day when he was literally pleading me to go with him?" He said.
" even I wanted to go on a date with you and have a good time." I said getting frustrated at him.
" you know what whenever we go out together, you always want to go and watch a romantic movie, which I'm not saying I don't enjoy but even I want to go and see a good basketball game sometimes." He said.
" I am not stopping you from going." I said.
" I am literally talking about our dates" He said half screaming.
" if we are talking about dates then okay, what about when you are always on your phone. Literally twenty four seven." I said.
" I am not right now" he said.
" seriously" I said.
" you know what I am always the one takes out the trash. Tell me when did you last do it? I am always the one who has to do it every morning." He said.
" trash? Tell me when did you last do the dishes. You do it once a day? I do it two times every day!" I said.
" there's no point in fighting with you. I am already late for a photoshoot. Thanks to you." He said and walked outside the door without his camera slamming the door shut.
" you forgot your camera" I yelled at him and the door opened with a thud.
He went to our room and got his camera and walked outside the house without even saying a bye.
Perfect. We are officially in a fight.

I am not talking to him until he's saying sorry. He cancels on dates. He says sorry. Simple.

I heard my phone ringing and went to go and pick it up.
Cami was calling me.
" hey" I said picking the phone up.
" heeyyyy girll wassup" Cami asked all cheery.
" nothing" I said in a low voice. Obviously I was upset.
" what happened? Why is your mood down" she asked.
" nothing" I said again.
" okay how bad is it?" She asked. Damn she knew me well.
" I mean not so bad" I said.
" please tell me that it's not a break up" she said.
" No. No, not at all. We both just got into a little argument." I said.
" slamming doors? Screaming?" She asked.
" one slam and no screaming. But still it was a fight." I said.
" you want me to come over?" She asked.
" you don't have to. I don't want the both of us fighting in front of you and even though I am not speaking to him until and unless he says sorry." I said.
" Start explaining. In detail." She said.
I explained her everything that happened in detail.
" bloody KJ. He caused a fight between the two of you." She said.
" no it wasn't his fault. I am sure he didn't know about our plans.
Whatever it is we'll sort it out" I said.
" yeah. You guys are damn strong." She said and I slightly chuckled.
" I'll talk to you later. Bye now" she said.
" thanks Cami. I love you" I said.
" anytime girl and love you too" she said.
" bye" I said and cut the phone.

Even though I am feeling slightly better after talking to her, but still I am upset.

Cole PoV

Okay I have no idea how I am going to survive this shoot.
I am just too damn upset.
I shouldn't have fought with her, it was my fault.
She always plans dates and I've been cancelling on them lately.
If I was her, even I would be upset and mad.

The shoot was over. Finally.

I decided to buy a bouquet of carnations before going home. They are Lili's favourite flowers.
I bought white carnations, knowing white is her favourite colour.

I opened the door to our apartment with the bouquet in my hands and I saw she was in the kitchen, probably making a salad.

" hey. I am back." I said and got no response from her.
Why do I expect her talking to me.
She didn't even look up to see me.
" I've got flowers" I said and she finally looked up.
" put them in water before they wither."  She said and I could sense the anger in her tone.
I followed her instruction and I walked up to the kitchen to get a vase.
I put them in a vase with water and put them in front of her.
" thanks." She said.
" I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything or canceled." I said standing beside her and looking at her.
She turned to look at me.
" you mean it?" She asked.
" yes" I said.
" it's okay" she said and a big smile came over my face.
" well thank god I don't have to sleep in the guest bedroom." I said an she started giggling.
The giggle in which I fell in love with.
" I love you Lils" I said.
" well then, I love you too." She said and leaned in to kiss me.
I kissed her and held her waist, pulling her close to me. She cupped my neck in her hands and it was a passionate kiss.
I won the battle between our tongues.

After a good 5 minutes, she pulled away.
" I love you" I said in the softest tone possible, resting my forehead on hers and our noses meeting.
" I love you too" she said.
" please don't fight with me, I can't take it." She said.
" I promise I won't" I said closing my eyes.
We kissed again, but it was a soft kiss this time.

" Soo dinner?" I asked her.
" umm I actually made salad" she said.
" okay great" I said.

We both took our dinners and went in our living room.
" so what do you want to watch" I asked, looking at her.
" anything will do." She said with a smile on her face.
" twilight?" I asked her.
" we can watch the French Open" she said.
I smiled like a monkey.
" you don't have to" I said.
" no seriously, I like tennis" she said.
" the French Open it is then" I said and put it on.
After awhile I saw her getting bored, and really trying to keep up with the game.
I took the remote and put Netflix.
" twilight?" I asked her again.
" why did you switch the game off" she asked.
" because I was getting bored" I lied. I really didn't want her to get bored and I don't mind watching movies.
" oh ok" she said.

She cuddled close to me and rested her neck in the crook of my neck. I rubbed circles on her back.

Lili PoV

We were half way through the movie and I heard little snores.
I chuckled a little at how cute he was looking.
I caressed his cheeks leaving a kiss.
He groaned and pulled me even closer, squishing me almost and a little giggle escaping my mouth.
I pulled the throw blanket blanket, which I use as a decoration for the sofa. But I couldn't escape from his grasp, he was too strong and holding me really tightly, as if he was never going to let me go.
I held his neck softly and pushed him, putting a cushion under his neck.
I made myself comfortable on top of him and snuggled him.
He groaned and tightened his grasp more turning around.
My back was facing the sofa and he was on the outside part of the sofa and another giggle escaped my mouth.
" what you laughing at Reinhart" he said in a husky voice.
Of course another giggle escaped my mouth.
" you are so cute" I said pulling his cheek.
" I know" he said, making me giggle even more.
" go back to sleep" I said.
" hmmmmmm" He said resting his chin on top of my head.
He started snoring again and I controlled my giggle this time.
" oh my god how can someone be this cute" I muttered.
" I know right" he said in a husky voice.
" okay now seriously sleep" I said and he rubbed my back.

We both fell asleep in no time.
He's the love of my life and I just know that we both will end up together. We'll grow old together and start a family together.
I just know it.

Thanks so much for reading:)
And thanks for sending the request to write this.


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