My Family

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A/N : Cole and Lili are married and they live in a pretty big house. They have two children; Ell who's 7 years old and Jack who's 4 years old.

Lili PoV

I woke up to Cole cuddling me with Jack between us. He came running to our bed last night as he had a bad dream and Cole couldn't sleep afterwards as he was making sure our little son was comfortable. He is the sweetest father in this whole universe. It was 7:30 am and I had to get Ell ready for school. Usually Cole makes breakfast for all of us while I get Ell ready for school, but I just wanted to let him sleep today.
I carefully got up and smiled how my little baby and Cole were snuggled up. Jacks face hiding in Coles neck and his one hand holding his whole body and the other was around me. They looked so adorable. 
I walked over to his side of the bed and gave him a long kiss on his cheek and went to wake Ell up.
" Good Morning Darling, wake up" I said walking to Ell's bed.
" ugh just 5 more minutes" she says and gets inside her blanket.
" Ell wake up, we'll be late." I say caressing her cheek.
" okay okay, I am up" she says getting up and stretching her arms. I give her a long kiss on her cheeks.
" Good Morning Mommy" She says.
" go hop in the shower and I'll make us breakfast." I say to her.
" why? I want to eat the breakfast that dad makes" she says groaning.
" your dad is tired, so we'll let him sleep. Okay?" I say to her getting up.
I went and made a tea for myself while pouring cereal for Ell.
I went in her room and dressed her up for school.
I was in a pair of black tights and one of Cole's T-shirts. I wore my white vans and put my hair in a bun.
" mommmmyyyyy" I heard Ell groan.
" shhh. Daddy will wake up" I said " what is it".
" dad makes a way better breakfast than you" she says eating.
" well you should be happy that at least you got to eat something" I said chuckling.
" Thanks mommy" she says handing me the bowl which I put in the sink.
" mom why do you wear dads clothes all the time, when you and Aunt Cami go shopping all the time" she asked.
"Because they are way more comfortable" I said chuckling, grabbing her hand and walked her to the car.
" but they are from the boys section and your a girl" she asks curiously.
" let your curious head take a little bit of rest" I said giggling.

I dropped her off to school and went back home to make breakfast again for me and Cole. My stomach was groaning.

As soon as I reached home I went and checked on my two babies.
I saw Cole still sleeping and jack awake on the other side of the bed.
" aww baby" I said picking Jack up " let's get you out of here."
I put him in his nursery and he started playing.

I was in the kitchen making trying to make bacon and eggs like Cole does and I was just way too engaged in it.

Cole PoV

I woke up and saw that no one was beside me. Not Jack and neither was Lili. I saw the time and it was 10 in the morning. My eyes widened. I am usually the one who wakes up before anyone.
I was only in my boxers and shirtless.
I went down the stairs and saw Lili cooking. She was just way too engaged in making the eggs. I chuckled at the sight of her. I slowly went and hugged her from behind. I wrapped my hands around her waist, pulling her really close to me.
" Morning babe" I said giving her a long kiss on the cheeks.
" morning sleepy head" she replied chucking and turned around placing a soft kiss on my lips. The best way to start my day.
" Ell off to school" I asked her sitting on the bar stool.
" yup" she replied.
" Good Morning Daddy" I heard Jack running out.
" morning Jackie" I said picking him up and putting him on my lap.
" Do you have to work today" she asked me.
" I don't think so" I replied taking my phone out to check my schedule.
" Nope, today's a free day" I said.
I did do acting, but I had an extremely successful photography agency. I had about 100 people who worked for me. I was only successful because of Lili. She supported all the way. Lili was a full time actress and the shooting of her new movie had just finished.
" great" she said coughing.
" you good?" I asked her handing her a cup of water.
" it's just the smoke I guess" she replied.
She made breakfast for the both of us and we sat on the kitchen counter together, chatting while eating. Jack was watching cartoons.
I noticed she had been coughing a lot since the morning.
" why don't you take this, it'll make you feel better" I said handing her medicine.
" I'm fine believe me." She said and I raised my eyebrows.
" fine fine I'll take it" she took the medicine and gulped it down.
" that's like my girl.

I got Ell back from school and she was continuously chatting about how her day was, in detail.
She was little Lili. Ell was the carbon copy of Lili. Her giggle was the thing that could light anyone's day, just like Lili's.
I just love my little family so much. 
" We are back" I said opening the house door, with Ell in my arms.
" we are not gonna trouble Mommy, okay. She's not well" I said.
" why does Mommy keep telling me not to make noise, so that I don't wake you up and you keep telling me not to trouble her. I don't trouble anyone." Ell said.
I chuckled.
" because we care for each other" I said.
" then why don't you tell Jack not to trouble me. You do care for me also,right?" She said making me chuckle again.
" of course, mommy and me both care for you and Jack will not trouble you, I promise" I said laughing at how cut she is and put her down. She ran to Lils lap and hugged her tightly.
" I missed you mom" she said.
" I missed you too" lili replied.
She was sitting on the couch, reading her book. Typical Lili.
And Jack beside her scribbling with colours.
" you didn't tell me that you missed me" I said hopping on the couch beside Lili. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders pulling her close.
" I missed mom more" she said.
" hey not fair" I said pressing her nose.
" I can smell something burning" lili said and I jumped making Jack startle and stare at me.
" what? What is it?" I said panicked.
" of course you daddy" Ell said and all three of them started to laugh, can you believe it even Jack.
" Haha, so funny" I replied mockingly and Lili and Ell High Fived.

I was sitting on Ell and Jacks bed, putting them off to sleep with Lili.
Ell was on my lap and Jack on Lili's lap. We were all cuddled up in bed. This was my favourite time of the whole day. My whole family snuggled up.
I saw Lili had also slept with Ell and Jack.
I went to the other side and picked Ell up and lied her down, making her comfortable.
I then picked Lili up, her hands around my neck and my one hand on her back and the other holding her legs. I carefully closed the door behind me, and took Lili to our bedroom.
I laid her down on the bed and took off my T-shirt. I went in and snuggled her close to me.
" I love you Lils" I said whispering and kissing her hair.
" love you too" she said in a husky voice and kissed my chest, snuggling even closer to me.
I pulled her in for a kiss and slowly drifted off to sleep.
I was the happiest man on earth.
I had everything a guy could ever want. I had Lils.

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