Best Gift

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Cole PoV

Well, it's my birthday today and I have turned 32.

I'm old.

Even though getting old sucks, but knowing i'm in it with Lili, it doesn't even suck that much.

Dylan and Barbara are finally getting married, and we are at Dylan's batchelor party in Dallas.

we are flying back to New York today after a whole weekend of getting drunk and partying.

" let's go" Dylan said walking into my hotel room. It's currently 11:30 and our flight leaves at 3 pm.

" I mean, can you believe I am going to get married." Dylan said looking in the hotel mirror setting his hair for the 1000th time.

" and I thought that you'll get married before me" I laughed.

" and yet you've been married for 4 years."

" how are things with Barbara" I asked.

" oh they are great, I can't wait to get married and live the rest of my life with her" he said.

" that's what you think in the starting. I mean at first it's all good, but then you know things get real" I said teasing him.

" stop scaring me. I know you are scaring me. Last night you got drunk and were literally continuously saying that even tho you are getting old, but you have Lili" he said mockingly.

" come on, i didn't say that" I replied.

" oh you so did" he said smirking.

" i mean, i got lucky" I said.

" you've fallen way too deep brother" he said and we left the hotel room.

Two girls were coming in our direction, and one of them winked at me.

" hey handsome"

" hi hottie" the other one said to dylan.

" sorry ladies, he's married and I am about to get married" Dylan said pointing at me.

" so what? forget them today and it'll be the best you've ever had" One of them said getting closer to me.

" woah back off" I said and walked past them, pulling Dylan with me.

" I guess we are not even that old."
Dylan said laughing.

" I am a little girls father Dylan"

" oh yes, that reminds me, Will Lili get Annie with her to the airport?" He asked.
" probably." I said.

" it's been a long time since I met her." He said.

" you literally met her 3 days ago." I said.

" that's a long time!" He said.

" you could go weeks without meeting me!" I said.

" she's not you!" He exclaimed.

" but she is my daughter!"

" and she is my goddaughter!" he said.
" yeah okay you have a point " I chuckled.

After we ate lunch, we hopped in a taxi to go to the airport.

" you know I actually had a good time with you" I said.

" me too." He said and smiled at me.

We landed in New York and were heading out of the airport. It was 5 in the evening now.

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