Comic Con gone Wrong!

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Cole PoV

Its the first day of Comic Con San Diego today. Our interviews start at 8:30 in the morning and Lili landed at like 5:30 in the morning. She had a few scenes to finish before coming here and we all were here before her, even Roberto. I felt bad for her and wanted to come here with her, but she forced me out of it.
She reached the hotel at 6 in the morning and slept as soon as she came.
It's 7:45 right now and I have to wake her up. I really don't want to do it but I have like literally no choice. We have to leave at 8:10 and there's only 25 minutes left.

" Lils wake up" I said softly.
And of course she started groaning.
" just 5 minutes more" she said hiding herself in the pillow.
" even I want to let you sleep, but we'll be late if you don't wake up" I said.
" okay" she said groaning and got up and headed for the shower.
I had already taken one and decided to get ready.

We were in the van, which headed us to the Comic Con and I felt Lili's head falling on my shoulder.
" what's up Lils" Mads asked.
" she's tired I guess" I replied.
" I literally got no sleep last night." She said.
" you didn't sleep in the plane?" I asked her.
" does it look like it" she said.
" what happened" mads asked her.
" there was a small baby beside me who was just crying and wiggling around" she said hiding her face in my neck.
" my poor baby" Mads said and I smiled at her.

We were done with almost all of our interviews and had a one hour break. Finally.

Lili was done before me and I was also done, but KJ, Cami and Mads
were still on it.

I walked in the break room and saw her sleeping like a baby on the couch. I removed the jacket I was wearing and put it on her, so that she's even more comfortable.

After 10 minutes KJ, Mads and Cami walked in and KJ was being really loud as usual and Cami laughing like crazy.
" guys can you keep it down" I said in a whisper, but loud enough for them to hear.
" what's wrong" KJ asked loud enough to wake any donkey up.
" KJ shhhhhh, Lili's asleep" Mads said.
But she woke up.
Fuck you KJ.
" oh shizz I am so sorry" KJ said.
"  do we have to go again" Lili said and I wanted to rip KJs head off.
" oh baby go back to sleep" Mads said sitting beside her and caressing her hair.
" I am up now" Lili said sitting up.
" Come on" I said walking up to her and sitting down beside her.
She fell on me, like legit fell on me.
I wrapped my one hand around her shoulder and one cupping her cheeks.
Her face hid in my neck.
" no use, my sleep is not coming back now" she said which made me give a death stare to KJ.
" I'm sorry okay" KJ said lifting his hands up in a surrender manner.

We were walking the carpet of San Diego, and Lili was going to walk just before me.
" you sure you can handle it?" I asked her.
" I'll try" she said with a weak smile and I smiled back at her.

It was her turn and obviously being everyone's favourite she was everyone her cheered on with loud screams from fans and photographers flashing flash lights at her.
I am not sure if she'll be able to take it or not.
I saw her holding her head and starting to get dizzy. Oh crap she's going to faint.
I run to her and get ahold of her just before she was about to fall and I save her from at least falling on a red carpet.
She fainted in my arms and everyone came running to her.
I picked her up and took her backstage.
This was going to be one good social media mess.
" oh my god" Mads said.
I started rubbing her hand and checked her pulse.
" please call a doctor" I said begging with her in my arms.
" yeah yeah" Cami said.

A doctor came within minutes and checked her up and a tear escaped my eyes, but I quickly wiped it.
This was the worst that could've happened. The thought of something happening to her scares the shit out of me.

" her pulse is fine but her blood pressure is really low which made her faint in the first place. Has she slept?" The doctor asked.
" hardly" I replied.
" if she overworks her self and doesn't get enough sleep, it is going to affect her. What did she eat today?" The doctor said.
" she refused to eat anything" Cami said.
" calm down Cole" Roberto said making me furious.
" it's actually your fault Roberto, if you hadn't told her to work just before this, it wouldn't have happened in the first place. So stay out of it." I said not caring about the fact that I was talking to my boss and could get fired.
" well we all are sorry Cole" Roberto said.
" I have given her a shot, and she won't wake up before 3-4 hours. Her blood pressure will be back to normal. Please take good care of her, she needs it" the doctor said.
" take her back to the hotel and we won't start before noon tomorrow."Roberto said.
" thank you" I said before walking to the doc.
" thanks for all your help
Mr.Zane" I said.
" you look to really care of her" he said making me lightly chuckle.
" I do" I said.

We went back to the hotel and I changed her into comfortable clothes and tucked her into bed.
I wanted to wait for her to wake up so that I can make her eat something.

It was 11 at night and it had been almost 5 hours since whatever happened.
I was typing out emails on my Mac, waiting for her to get up.

I heard her move and come closer to me and wrap her hands around my waist, even though I was sitting up.
I put my hands in her hair, shutting my laptop and keeping it aside.
" you want to eat something" I asked her softly.
" how did I get here" she said in a husky voice and all confused as she was coming back to her senses.
" okay promise you won't freak out" I said.
" please don't scare me" she said sitting up.
" you fainted" I blurted out.
" while walking the carpet" I sold making a 'please don't freak out face'.
" oh my god" she said falling on my shoulders " and then?" 
" for starters well I didn't let you fall on the ground and then a doctor came to see you and gave you a sleeping shot. And I kind of screamed at Roberto and Cami" I said.
" you screamed at Cami and Roberto in the public?"She said widening her eyes.
" no, we were at the backstage." I said.
" but why" she asked.
" because Cami didn't tell me that you didn't eat anything, which reminds me I am ordering pizzas and at Roberto because he made you work" I said with a 🥴 on my face.
" you didn't have to" she said cuddling me and I called room service to order pizzas.

" how are you feeling" I asked her after we both ate pizza. 
" good. Thanks to you" she said giving me a soft kiss.
I pulled away and rested my forehead on hers and cupped her cheeks.
" I've been dying to kiss you" I said and she kissed me again more passionately.
She pushed me on the bed so she was on top.
We both started making out.
I rolled her over so I was on top now, she started giggling and I had a huge smile all across my face.
" I love you so much" I said pulling away.
" I love you so much too" she said and gave me a peck on my lips.
We both cuddled and fell asleep in not time.

Thank you so much for reading :).
And all thanks to @smilespidey for the idea.
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