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Cole came home this one fine friday night to his tears eyed girlfriend of 4 years watching friends on netflix in their bedroom.

He had a comparatively shorter day at work than her, she worked from 10 am to 8 pm and he just had to shoot two night scenes so only 7 pm to 11 pm.

It was friday, they generally do nothing on friday nights except watch a movie or maybe go for dinner, nowhere fancy though, because generally fridays on set are very hectic.

As cole was driving home, he was pretty sure his girlfriend had already made a que of at least 5 movies for them to watch all night.

But instead, knowing her so well, he noticed she was not her useful cheery and excited self.

he got worried, as Lili likes to say,
" you bloody worry too much about the people you love, it's annoyingly cute"

She was sitting on the bed, Friends playing on TV, the happiest TV show one can watch, and curled up in her blanket.

" Lil" Cole said, worriedly.

" Oh hey, when'd you come?" she asked quickly wiping her tears.

" a few minutes ago. what's up love?" a lot of worry clearly preset in his voice, he asked, sitting down besides her and stroking her hair.

" nothing. just watching friends" she chuckled, pausing the episode she was watching.

" are you okay?" he asked again, not hearing the answer he expected.

" oh yeah yeah, of course i'm okay"

" what's up with the tears then?"

" oh you know, how easily emotional i get, it's nothing i promise" she slightly laughed, trying to make him believe her.

" babe i know you get emotional after seeing something very sweet or watching the ending of titanic, but right now, i see friends playing" he said pointing towards the tv.

" it's nothing!!!" she said again.

he knew he had to get his best boyfriend behaviour mode on to cheer her up.

" Lil, you know i'll get it out from you, so save yourself the energy and tell me"

" i swear to god cole its nothing"

" i would've believed you if you weren't an open book to me. you don't cry while watching friends, you laugh your ugly ass laugh off"

she chuckled, " i know" she whispered.

" you are going to think it's silly" she said, giving in.

" not as silly as joey won't let Emma take Mr. Hugsy" he replied making her laugh.

" its just that sometimes i feel i am.."
she paused for a moment, looking into his eyes, which always used to calm her down, she instantly felt better.

" go on" he took her hands in his and squeezed them, reassuringly.

" it's very silly" she said again, annoying him.

He sighed and pressed her hands on his lips.

" speak reinhart"

" i am not enough, for anyone" she whispered the last part, tears taking over her green eyes again.

" but you are more than enough baby"

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