After Shooting

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Cole PoV

We all had wrapped up early on set and none of us had a night shoot.
" guys let's have movie night" Cami said.
" yeah I'm in" Mads said.
" that's actually a great idea Cam" Lili said and I looked at her.

I really wanted to spend tonight only with her.

" who's apartment?" KJ asked.
" you can come over mine" I volunteered.
" okay great then" Charles said.
" Cole's apartment it is" Casey said.

We all drove till my apartment in our own cars.
Lili and I were in one car; Charles, Cami and Mads in one car; KJ and Casey in their own car.

Lili and I reached first.

" did you seriously have to say actually a great idea Cam" I said.
" it'll be fun" Lili replied.
" I only volunteered so that we both don't have to sleep on the couch" I said.
" thank you" Lili said chuckling and pecked my lips.

Everyone reached and all of us were settled in the living room except Lili, Mads and Cami. They all were in the kitchen doing god alone knows what.

" I'll be back" I said and went to use the loo.

As soon as I was back, I saw Cami and Charles were cuddled on the long part of the L shaped couch. 
Casey sitting on one of the recliners.
KJ had pulled the bean bag for himself.
Mads and Lili were engrossed in a conversation on the couch.
The only place left for me to sit was besides Casey on the recliner.

Did I really have to go and use the loo?

" aww, our Sprouse baby didn't get to sit next to his girlfriend" Casey said as I sat down.
" I instead got this weirdo to sit besides me" I said chuckling.

Almost the whole movie was over and neither did Mads nor did Lili move from their place.
The whole time, my eyes were on Lili and I just wanted to go and pick her up and cuddle her.
I saw that she was starting to fall asleep on Mads shoulder.
Cami had also fallen asleep on Charles.

" you all can stay over" I said.
" oh thank god" Charles said as he had Cami all over him.
I chuckled and wished it was me and Lili cuddling as well.
KJ and I went inside and got blankets and put it on all of us.
I put one on Lili and Mads and kissed Lili on her forehead before going back to sit on the recliner.

Soon everyone fell asleep, including me.

I woke up to the sound of someone hissing " cole"
I opened my eyes and saw Casey and KJ asleep.
Cami and Charles were sitting on top of the kitchen counter and eating cereal.
Mads was hissing trying to call me.
She threw a pillow at me.
" what" I said in my husky voice.
" come here and hold Lili, I need to use the loo" Mads said in a low voice, trying not to wake Lili up.
" okay" I said and got up.
I held Lili's head carefully and Mads got up.
I put Lili's head on my chest and she instantly wrapped her arms around me.
A smile escaped my lips and I also wrapped my hands around her; one in her hair and the other holding her waist.

" you guys are really cutteee" Cami said and I smiled at her.
I was finally happy to be wrapped up around her. I pulled the blanket over the both of us and closed my eyes again.
But woke up by Casey throwing a pillow me.
" you can't sleep now" he said and took out his phone to snap pictures of the both of us.
I smiled mockingly, resting my head on top of Lili's and squishing her even closer to me.
Lili grunted slightly.
" Cole?" She said in her morning husky voice and looked up.
" morning" I said only for her to hear. I rubbed her back and kissed her forehead.
She changed her position and lied down on the sofa, her head on my lap.
" case can you stop clicking pictures" she said hiding inside the blankets.
" Don't stop Casey" Cami shouted causing KJ to wake up.
" Cami put it down" KJ said and hid inside the blanket just like Lili.
We all laughed.
Mads came in the living room and sat on the recliner.
" Lili I must say, you have maintained your boyfriends washroom really well" Mads said chuckling.
" thank you" She said showing her face again, earning a chuckle from me.
" Mads you know you stole Lili from Cole last night" Cami said.
" yeah just like Lili stole Cole from me" KJ said and we all laughed.
" I didn't steal him" Lili said.
" neither did I steal her" Mads said.
" you did" KJ and I said in unison.
" well you kinda did Mads, our lover boy was so sad" Casey said.
" even I am sad" KJ said and Lili threw a pillow at him.
" here you go" Cami said and got Coffee for everyone, Charles had helped her.
" And Lili your hot chocolate on demand of your boyfriend" Charles said handing her, her cup.
" how did you know this is my cup?" Lili asked Charles.
" he told me" Charles said pointing towards me.
" well thank you" she said.
She got up and sat on the couch now and drank her hot chocolate.

" I'll leave, I have a meeting in 30" Casey said.
" yeah we'll also leave" Mads said.
" thanks for the great night Cole" Cami said.
" no problem" I said with a smile.
" bye guys" Lili said.

Casey, Charles, Cami and Mads left.
It was just Lili, KJ and I now.

" I'll leave you lovers also" KJ said.
" thank you" I said and Lili hit me on my arm.

KJ also left, and it was just Lili and I now.

She got up and went and put her mug in the shank.
I went and hugged her from behind.
" I missed you" I said and kissed her neck. I started kissing and sucking her neck, leaving a hickey.
" sttttaaaahhpp" She said giggling.
She turned over and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me.
I picked her up and went to the couch.
I laid her down. We both made out for a good 10 minutes.
It was a good relaxed day with her.

Thanks for reading ❤️
I really didn't know how to end it 😂.

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