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A/N: Lili and Cole have been married for two years, Riverdale has ended and their first baby is on the way.

Also warning, too much fluff 😉

Cole PoV

It was early morning when I heard voices coming from the bathroom and I rushed inside.
I saw Lili vomiting, again. I held her hair back and rubbed circles on her back.
" it's okay" I said trying to comfort her.
" I am sick of this" she says falling on me.
" come on let's get you cleaned." I said.
Once she got cleaned and changed her clothes. She hugged me. In the bathroom.
" I want to sleep"  she mumbled onto my chest.
My hand was on her back and one in her hair.
" let's get you comfortable" I said taking her to the bed.
She fell asleep within no time.

I have been worried sick for Lili. She has been constantly sick for a month. Vomiting every now and then. She has barely gotten out of the house because of it.

" Colee! Coleeee! Come fast you dickhead" Lili screams.
I rush up the stairs.

" what? What is it?" I ask panting.

" I haven't got my period in a month" she says.

" what!" I said holding her hands
" oh my god, what if we are finally pregnant"

" yeah, that explains everything" she  said with a smile.

I got the tests and gave it to her.

" I don't have the courage to see, you do it" she said, looking like a nervous wreck.

" okay" I said, being nervous no less.
I turned them around and they were all positive.

" positive. Positive. Positive." I said in the happiest tone possible.

" I am gonna be a DAADDDDDD"
I said squeaking and picked her up.
" I am gonnaaa be a MOOMMMMM"

We both had her lovely baby daughter, Rachel Pauline Sprouse on 29th, July 2019.
We both had made a cute little happy family.
Well, our story had a happy ending!

Thanks for reading :) and I know that this is like extremely short!
So this is that oneshot that I told you guys about, that I have no inspiration to complete this whole thing.
So yeah.
Thanks to @smilespiders for telling me to post this!

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