Reaching Home Late + (an appreciation)

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Lili PoV

2:45 am

It was almost 3 in the morning and I was waiting for Cole to come back.

He said he'd be back at 12 and it's pretty late from 12 now.

I don't have a problem with him staying out, and partying till late.
It's his life and I get even he needs to let lose sometime.
Everyone needs to let lose.
I'm just worried for him.
If he could just inform me that he'd be back late-ish.
I wouldn't be worried and up at 3 am.

" that's it" I said to myself and got up.
I put on my shoes, wore my coat and took my car keys.
I was going to find him.
I can't wait anymore.

As soon as I opened the door of our apartment, I saw Cole heading towards the apartment.

" Cole?!" I said.
" Lili, what's re you doing up so late? And where are you going?" He asked.
" I was worried sick for you" I replied.
" but I told you that I was going to get late!" He said.
" you told me you would be back by 12 and it's 3 in the morning now" I snapped.
" For god's sake Lili" he said.
" you know what, you are probably drunk right now and I am too tired" I said.
" Can we please sleep?" He said annoyed.
" Please do! But you are not sleeping with me." I said and slammed the door shut of our bedroom.

3:30 AM

I kept tossing and turning in the bed. I couldn't sleep because I was feeling guilty for overreacting.
But he deserved it.
I was worried for him.
I was worried for his safety.

I got up to get water and decided to check on Cole.
He was sleeping in the guest bedroom, without the air conditioner on , with his shoes on, his head not on a pillow.

He has a neck problem and if he doesn't sleep in the correct position , he gets a bad sprain and needs to go to the hospital.

I switched on the air conditioning and lifted his head up carefully and put the pillow underneath his head. I removed his shoes and put a blanket on him.
He groaned a little making me chuckle.
I caressed his cheek.
" jerk" I said with a slight chuckle.
I was too lazy to go back in our room and sleep, so instead just slept beside him.

The Next Morning
8:30 am

I woke up because of the sunlight hitting my face.
Cole was still sleeping.
I showered and got ready to go to set.
I was still furious at him and so I didn't even wait for him and left for set.
I didn't want him to get late, so I just put an alarm on his phone before leaving.

Cole PoV

9:15 am

I woke up to my alarm going on.
I groaned because of my head hurting.
My hangover from last night.
I groaned again because of the sunlight hitting my face.
I tossed and saw Lili wasn't sleeping beside me.
I saw the time and it was 9:20.
I had to be at set max by 10.
Same for Lili.

I got up and went to find Lili.
She wasn't in our room, nor in the bathroom.
Her handbag was also not at its usual place, which means she left.
I sighed and sat on the bed, holding my face in my hands.
I took an Advil to calm the headache down.

I remembered last nights events.

I had got home really late, and Lili was furious at me.
Her being mad at me was pretty reasonable. She doesn't mind me partying and staying out till late with my friends, but she just requests that I inform her that I'm safe and when will I reach home.

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