at the inn

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" your room number is 302 on the third floor. we are happy to have you here" the receptionist said and gave the key of mine and Coles hotel room.

we have come to Santa Barabara for a weekend off.

it had been one hell of a week, a lot of shooting, a lot of meeting and a lot of calls.

it was an understatement to say that we both were exhausted with the life back home.

so we booked a small inn in a small town, mostly to stay away from the public eye.

but we probably won't get out and enjoy this vintage place.

" come on i'll carry the bags" i said to cole.

" you dont have to, they are pretty heavy. go alone knows what rocks have you filled for two nights" he replied.

" it's my stuff and i'll carry. you have one loser duffel bag, you carry that"

" hey you are being mean" he said and i raised my eyebrows.

" fine take your bags but don't ask for help" he said giving in.

" i am one very strong independent lady who needs no man and can carry her own luggage" i said with pride.

i heard a little chuckle come from behind, i turned my head and it was an old couple.

i passed a little smile.

" good going young lady" the old man said, i passed another smile.

" come on mister give her the bag" he said to cole.

" that's what i intend to do" he laughed, " it's good for me only"

the old guy just laughed.

Cole handed me the bags and first i was a little shocked and my shoulders went down pulling me with it.

" are you sure you are going to be fine" cole said.

" you handle your duffle bag loser" i replied.

" good luck young man" the old lady said to cole.

" i've got all the good luck already" he replied looking at me.

" don't be so corny" i replied and he just laughed, " let's go quickly"

" why are they too heavy" he smirked.

" shut up"

" ladies first" he said chuckling.

" oh when did you become such a gentleman"

" let's go now" he said and put his hand on my back.

" no you go in front of me" i said and even though my hands were in a lot of pain, i didn't show.

" Lili you are most probably going to fall, let me walk behind you"

" you go first"

" Lils, my love, these bags weigh more than you"

" cole, baby, you go first" i said sarcastically.

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