Will She Say Yes?

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Cole PoV

I had finally asked Lili out on a date.
After crushing on her forever, I had finally got the guts to ask her out.
I just hope that it goes well, and I can ask her to be my girlfriend.
It was 7:00 pm and I have to pick her up in 30 minutes.
Might as well be early, than being late.

"Hey I have reached, waiting outside"

I texted her.

I was continuously refreshing my messages, swirling my hair and waiting for a reply.
I suddenly heard a knock on the car door and I looked up to see her.
She looked gorgeous.
I unlocked the doors.

" A little too busy down there" she said chuckling getting inside the car.
" oh, I was just waiting for your reply" I said.
" also, you look beautiful" I said.
" thank you" she replied.

We drove till the restaurant and it was a pretty comfortable ride, we listened to music all the way till the restaurant.

We had dinner at an Italian joint and I Hope Lili had a good time, because I for surely did.

" Do you want to take a walk by the river" I asked Lili.
" Sure! Why not" she replied.
" weirdly, filming hasn't been that stressful these past few days" I said.
" yeah, I mean we pack up before we are totally dead, it's good!" She replied.
" you cold?" I asked her as the wind was chilly.
" I'm good" she replied.
" you don't look to be good" I said as I looked at the goosebumps she had.
" I'm fine" she replied.
I removed my jacket and put it on her shoulders. She was wearing a black coloured dress.
" you really didn't have to" she replied.
" it's okay" I said and intertwined our hands.
" no but seriously, thanks for the dinner Cole I had a great time" she said and I smiled at her.
" well I'm glad you enjoyed" I said.
I stood in front of her and she bit her lip.
I pushed the hair off her face, tucking them at the back of her ear.
" Lils, I have been wanting to ask you something since a long time." I said.
" ya?" She replied.
" Lili will you be my girlfriend" I said and got closer to her.
She pulled away.
" Cole, I'm sorry, I like you, I really like you, but we both work together and if things go wrong it'll to complicated not just for us, but for the whole caste" she said.
" why do you think things would go wrong?" I replied.
" because, I- I j-just-"
" what is it?" I interrupted her.
" I just need time" she said.
" I'll be waiting for you" I replied.
" I am sorry I need to go home" she said and stopped a taxi.
She got inside it and went.

Who was I kidding, I just messed things between us and everything would be awkward now.
I maybe just lost my best friend.
I shouldn't have done it.

Lili PoV

I reached home within 15 minutes.
My brain had stopped working.
I have liked Cole since the longest time I can remember.
I literally went crazy when he asked me out on a date.
I really like him and I want to be his girlfriend.
Why did I have to mess it up?
I feel so guilty, his beautiful face dimmed down when I said I needed time.

I then realised I was still wearing his jacket and clung onto it, breathing his smell in.
His intoxicating smell.

The Next Morning

I woke up with the biggest smile on my face.
Who was I kidding?
I didn't need time to think.
I knew I wanted to be his girlfriend more than anything.
I want to be his more than anything.
I had the perfect idea in my mind.
I called Tery up.

7:40 AM

" hey Terry" I said.
" Morning Lili" he replied.
" I just called to check if Cole has reached" I asked curiously .
" No, but he should be here in another 15 to 20 minutes" he said.
" what?!" I replied.
"Terry I have to go. Bye" I said and hung up the phone.

I have no time to get ready.
I have already had a shower, so I quickly put my hair down and did put on some lip balm and mascara.
I wore my Nike's and zipped up the jacket he gave me last night to wear. His Jacket.
I was wearing black leggings with it and a white tee underneath it.

I quickly drove down till the set.
It was already half and hour since I had called Terry.
So, hopefully Cole would have reached by now.
I parked my car and Cole's car was also parked.
I sighed in relief to myself.
I jogged till the makeup trailer and saw only Erica, the makeup artist in there.

8:10 AM

" Hey Erica, have you seen Cole?" I asked her.
" Yeah, he's in his trailer" she replied.
" thanks" I said.
" isn't that his jacket?" She said.
" yeah. Yeah it is" I said.
" bye" I said and got out of the trailer.
I again jogged till his trailer.
I knocked on his trailer door, waiting for him.
" Hi?" He said opening the door.
I walked inside his trailer and he closed the door behind me.
I wrapped my hands around his neck.
" I have to ask you something" I said.
" what?" He replied.
" do you like the jacket I'm wearing?" I asked and he checked me out.
" yeah. Yeah I do." He said and put his hands on my back.
" well you better, it's my boyfriends" I said and kissed him.
I tightened my grip around him and so did he.
I could feel him smiling though our kiss.
He tightened his grip even more and kissed me more passionately.

After a few minutes of kissing he pulled away.

" I'm sorry Cole" I said resting my forehead on his. My hands cupped his face.
" what for?" He asked with a slight chuckle.
" for leaving you like that yesterday, when I know I've liked you since forever. I shouldn't have just left you and gone" I said.
" hey it's okay, you don't need to say sorry. It's okay." He said.
" to be honest, I didn't need time to think. I knew my answer to your question at that very moment. But it just hit so hard, something that I've been wanting to happen since the longest time I can remember, I just didn't know what to do" I said.
" you've been wanting this to happen?" He said.
" of course!" I replied and he kissed me again. More passionately this time.

I pulled away and rested my forehead on his.
Enjoying the moment.
There was a bang on the door and I jumped, and a chuckle escaped his lips.
He rubbed my back.

" Who is it?" He asked.
" they need you on set Cole" one of the crew members said.
" I'll be there" he replied.

" when do you start shooting" he asked me.
" oh, not before 10:30" I replied
" that's like more than 2 hours" he said and I chuckled.
" yeah I know" I said.
" why did you come so early" he asked.
" well, to tell you that I am yours" I said and he kissed me softly on the lips.
" you can stay here, I'll be back before 9:30 hopefully" he said.
" bye" I said and pecked him on the lips.

I closed the door to his trailer and plonked myself on the couch.
Smiling like an idiot.
He's mine.
I'll be kissing him not as just as Jughead but also as Cole.
He's my best friend and my boyfriend.
I couldn't be happier.

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