i love you three

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Lili PoV

it was 4 in the morning and i was shivering.
i was feeling so cold, that it felt as if i am just going to freeze.

i couldn't handle it and tears started flowing out of my eyes.

cole was a heavy sleeper, i knew this won't wake him up, but he would  just scold me in the morning and give me a lecture that i should have woken him up.

i turn over and look at him peacefully sleeping, i don't want to  wake him up, but i have to.

" cole wake up" i whispered.
" cole" i repeated.

i had really high fever and couldn't think straight.

" cooollleee" i whined tears dropping.
" hmmmm" he said in his sleep.
" cole please wake up"
" lili" he said, eyes still closed.
i gave up and closed my squeezed my eyes.
i tried to control my breathing and to stop myself from shivering.

" oh my god lili" cole said suddenly sitting up.
" lili whats wrong" he cupped my face. " baby you are burning"

" i know. i am feeling really really cold too. can you please get me my medicines and some blankets.  i can't stop shivering" a little sob escaped my mouth.

" yeah yeah. just a minute."

he hopped out of the bed and practically ran to get my medicines and a glass of water.

" have these. you'll feel better" he said handing me the medicines and a glass of water.
" thank you"

he wiped my tears with the pad of his thumb.
" don't cry sweetheart you'll get better" i nodded.

he got back in bed after tucking me in a thousand blankets, to make sure that i was warm. 

" can you please hug me and sleep" i said as he looked really concerned.
" yeah" he said and took me in his arms.
i hid my face in the crook of his neck and entangled my cold feet with his really warm ones.

" i'm sorry, i disturbed you" i whispered as i felt better.

" hey no, don't be sorry, i'm happy you woke me up. i would've been really mad in the morning if you wouldn't have woken me up" he replied as he rubbed my back, back and forth.

a little chuckle escaped my lips and i couldn't feel him smile as he pressed a kiss on my forehead.

i listened to his heartbeat which calmed me down.

and gradually i fell asleep.

Cole PoV

it was 4:30 am and i looked down at my sick but gorgeous girlfriend sleeping.

her fever had gotten better and she had finally stoped shivering.

she was peacefully fast asleep.

i mentally slapped myself for not waking up sooner.

the next morning

i had to go shoot, i couldn't take a day off.

but i did message roberto that lili is sick and she won't be able to come.

i carefully got lili off me and tucked her in the blankets, so she would be warm.

i pressed a kiss on her forehead as i got up from the bed.

i quickly went and had a shower and made breakfast.

i made lili her favourite eggs and toast sunny side up with some hot herbal tea which would help her fever.

i made myself breakfast too, i had to reach set in 40 mins.
so i wasn't running late.
well actually i have to get ready, eat breakfast and it's a 20 minute drive, so maybe i am late. 

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