a bughead oneshot x

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So this is a bughead oneshot !
This is 4 years after Jughead and Betty break up outside the White Wyrm!

Jughead PoV

Its been 4 years since I left Riverdale and broke up with Betty.

And here I am back here.

After Betty and I broke up, I ran away to Toledo.

Penny threatened everyone I loved, so it was better that I just go away.
At least that's what I thought.

I was walking in front of a park and seeing how much this place has changed in the past four years.

A lady with two little girls was walking in front of me.

One of them had dirty blonde hair and was the cutest little kid I had ever seen.

The other one had raven hair. She looked to be a fancy kid.

Little did I know my life was completely going to change.

The little blond tripped and before she could fall on her face I caught her.

" Hey are you okay?" I asked softly, holding her petite body.
She had eyes which reminded me of Betty.
The green eyes in which I would get lost every time.
The eyes in which once I was lost, never wanted to find my way back.

I snapped back to reality.

" Yes. Thank you. But my ice cream fell" the little girl said sadly.
" Oh that's okay. I can get you another one" I said and she hugged me.
" thank you so much" she said in the kindest tone possible.
" you are most welcome" I said.

" thank you for not letting her trip" the lady said.
" Are you their mom?" I asked still holding the little girl.
"Are you kidding? No! I am their babysitter" she said.
" oh okay. Don't you think you should be a little more careful? I mean they are two small little girls" I said sternly.
" yeah whatever I'm sorry." She said casually.
" unbelievable" I muttered under my breath.

I took the little girl back to the ice cream truck.
" which flavour do you want?" I asked taking out my wallet.
" My mom says we shouldn't take anything from strangers" she said.
" Well as wise as your mom is, I thought we were friends and you dropped your ice cream. So you are just taking another ice cream to replace your old one" I said and she nodded with a chuckle.
" thank you" she said, a little shy.
" which flavour?" I asked again.
" I love strawberry" she said making me gasp.
" oh my god! Me too! I love strawberry ice cream" I said and we high fived.

" two strawberry ice creams please" I said handing the money.
I got the ice cream and gave one of them to her and licked one myself.

" I'll give you the money" The babysitter said.
" No it's okay. It's on me" I said.

" what's your name sweetheart?" I asked.
" Joa-" I interrupted the lady.
" the little girl" i said and she frowned.
it made me laugh.
" Emma Cooper" She said licking her ice cream.

Wait. What.

Cooper? There is no guy in the Cooper family! It's just Betty and Polly!

" are you maybe- do you know Betty Cooper?" I asked, afraid of the answer.
" Thats mommy. What's your name?" Emma said.
" Umm Jug- jughead" I said.
" who's your dad?" I asked.
" My dad is a secret agent who has gone on a mission. But don't tell anyone" she said with a chuckle.

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