authors crap

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okay. so general question.

are my recent oneshots not good? like i don't know if you guys are liking it or not.

like if they are not good or basically bad, please tell me how can i make them better, because writing on this platform is my way of kicking back, writing something i love.
because in school, i have to write pretty boring stuff.
so, this platform actually gives me motivation, like writing romantic stuff makes me happy, i'm a hopeless romantic.

also also, your girl is about to be the president of student council of writing department, heheh, i'm flexing.
( i'm happy, please don't attack me)

also also, the people who are messaging me why i don't write suggestions.

here's your answer.

i like to write what i haven't ever read before, and a idea which genuinely gives sparks in my brain.
most of my oneshots are created while i'm watching a movie, show or inspired by a real life event, whatever gives me inspiration, boom i start writing.

this isn't for just here, but basically whenever i write.
i am gonna have my blog up very soon too, so do you guys want a link to that?

so i'm sorry, if i didn't make your suggestion and please STOP ATTACKING ME.

also, last thing, do you guys like want a get to know me thing or something.
like i'm pretty bored these days, so if you want it hmu with questions.

i know most people will just skip it and not give a crap about it, but i don't know it'll be fun😂❤️

i'm going to stop ranting now, and thanks for reading. 

okay last thing, the people who read it till here i love you so much, and please comment on my oneshots, it makes me happy and i feel people are actually liking it.
i know i'm being selfish, but my therapist says, it's okay to seek for happiness 🤗

also, i try to be as sweet as possible, so please stop giving me hate 😒


yes okay bye, i'm going to sign off from here.

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