taking care of her

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Lili and cole had been on like 3 or 4 dates in the past 3 weeks.

and they both really liked each other, they had told each other that, but hadn't gone to the stage where they had had sex yet or stayed the night at each other's place.

sure they talked on the phone, texted and were a little clingy through shooting hours, but it was a new relationship.

soooo, yes.

it was almost midnight in the month of october, and Lili had a really bad head ache and was feeling very weak to even move.

cami lived just one block away and she was her bestfriend. 

so without a doubt in her mind, she caught her phone and dialled her besties number.

" camiii" Lili groaned through the phone.

" Liliiiii" she groaned  back in a sarcastic tone through the phone.

" i don't feel well"

" okay so why are you calling me"

" because your best friend needs help" Lili said.

" why are you calling me ? call your boyfriend"

" cami, i don't think we are at that point yet, can you just come over, get some medicine and make me something to eat so that i feel better, be a good bestfriend dude"

" Lili as much as i would LOVE ( sarcasm) to take care of my best girl, your girl is at her boyfriends place and  is going to get lucky, so call yours and byeeeeeeee" she said and hung up the phone.

" oh god" lili groaned again out of frustration.

she was already feeling super sick, and now her only hope of getting better somehow was going to have sex.

" fuck my life dude" she said and hid under the covers.

should i call him ?
noooo, he'd be sleeping, let's not disturb him.
and plus he might assume me to be the needy type, which i am not, so calling him is out of option.

and a million more thoughts about him raced through her mind.

and as she was sulking on her bed, because of the head ache, she was trying her best to fall asleep.

and the door bell rang.

she freaked out. she completely freaked out.

she picked up her phone to see the time, it was 12:24.

who's at my door this late?

she slowly walked through her hallway with a pocket knife and pepper spray in her hand.

and as she reached closer to the door, she asked,

" who is it"

no reply.

she asked again, a little louder this time.

" who is it?"

" it's me, cole" and a reply came.
she sighed in relief and opened the door.

" oh my god" he said as he saw the pocket knife and pepper spray in her hands. 

she kept it on the table next to the door and sighed. 

" what are you doing here" she asked.

" cami called me, and to be honest i'm a little mad at you"

" what?! why are you mad" she asked getting stressed.

" you are not feeling well, and you didn't call me"

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