It was killing me

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Lili PoV

And I am back. Back from LA meeting my best friends. Meeting Austyn and Taylor is nice but I was just constantly thinking about him. And now I have to face everything. Everything. Cole. These past few days I realised how much I like him. I was ignoring his calls and text and basically him. I so didn't want to face reality. I just couldn't control myself anymore. Every time I meet him, hear his voice, look at him , I just want to go and jump in his arms and tell him how much I like him. But I'm too scared to loose him, he's my bestfriend. If he doesn't like me back, which he probably doesn't, things will be so awkward and weird between us and this thought alone terrifies me. I can't risk loosing him.

I walk into mine and Camis apartment and see him sitting on the bar stool, chatting with Cami.
" your back" Cami said squeaking and giving me a hug.
" I missed you" she said.
" I missed you too" I replied.
" oh you didn't, I know" she replied.
" no, I did I swear" I said walking inside my room ignoring him. He was staring at me with a confused look.
" where are you going" Cami screamed at me.
" just for a shower" I replied.

I came outside wearing one of Cole's T-shirts and black leggings and I so didn't realise that, because I was so used to wearing it, it was legitimately my fave tee. The last thing at that point I wanted was attention from him.
I went inside the kitchen to make myself some tea and saw Cole coming in.
" I've been finding that since forever" He said.
" I'll return it" I said not daring to look at him, muttering " oh shit" under my breath.
" you can keep it, it's fine" he said with a smile.
" so how was your trip" he said trying to make conversation.
" I-It was good" I said. How do you tell your crush that you spent a whole week thinking about him.
I quickly made my tea and walked out.

" I am gonna sleep, I am really tired today" Cami said.

Does god hate me? I can't kick him out.

" Night Cam" Cole said.
" so do you maybe wanna watch a movie" He asked.
" sure" I replied knowing I would regret it.
" The Coffee Shop?" He asked knowing it was my favourite movie.
" Why not" I said with a smile, finally looking at him, with butterflies in my stomach.
" Great" He said hoping on the couch next to me.
We were halfway through the movie and I was falling asleep.
We both were sitting edges apart. I was the one moving away.
I saw he got up and grabbed a blanket and threw it on me.
" you jerk" I said and he jumped and sat next to me.
"Uh Huh" He said laughing.
He wrapped his arms around my shoulder and I didn't have the energy to fight back.
I rested my head on his shoulder, taking in his scent which always relaxed me.
"You sleepy" He asked.
" hmm" I said almost dozing off on him. Whatever happens, will happen tomorrow.

Cole PoV

I looked and saw she had dozed off on me and a huge smile crept on my face. I loved her and I couldn't hold it in any longer. I am going to tell her tomorrow. That's it. I have decided. I laid down, with her on top off me on the sofa.

I woke up and she wasn't here. I saw, she was in the kitchen, making breakfast. I rubbed my eyes and she was standing in front of me.
" Bacon and Toast with your almond milk low sugar coffee with a little bit of cocoa. Just the way you like it" she said giving it to me.
" wow" I said.
" you can at least thank me, I know exactly how you like your breakfast." She said sitting down next to me.
" hey, even I know how you like your breakfast." I said.
" oh please, I bet you don't even know my middle name" She said.
" Lili Pauline Reinhart likes her eggs and toast at 1 AM and in the morning a grilled cheese with hot chocolate. And after that you eat a fruit, which you are right now" I said pointing towards the Apple.
" what else do know about me" She said chuckling expecting no answer.
" that you'll take me to Starbucks in another two hours and I buy a venti size of whatever sugary drink you have and I'd have to finish it. As soon as you wake up, you write. Case in point: your notebook and pen are literally in front of me. You buy or tell me to get you a new notebook and pen every week, cause you literally write so much. You buy flowers every time you are roaming around with candles from the same shop. Half of my clothes are in your closet, you are never really done with stealing my clothes and not to mention you suck at driving my jeep, even though I have taught you gazillions of times" I said.
" oh please I can so drive your jeep" She said.
" Seriously" I said.
" ok ok you know me well. Accepted." She said with a huge grin on her face.
" I have to tell you something" I said taking a deep breath in and deciding that this is the right time to hell her.
" I like you" I finally said it and she was staring at me.
" are you serious?" She asked.
" yeah" I replied.
" I like you too Cole." She said it back. I was the happiest. I kissed her immediately. It was a soft kiss at first and then our tongues were battling for dominance. I won.
She pulled away and rested her forehead on mine.
" you have no clue since how long I've been dying to tell it to you" I said.
" and believe me I always felt as if you didn't like me romantically."
She said.
Like? I love you. I so badly want to tell her, but it's too soon.
" I'm all yours." I said and she gave me a long kiss on my cheeks.
I put my hand on her hair and asked her " where you angry from me?" .
" why do you think that" she replied.
" you had been ignoring me, my calls and my texts when you were in LA" I said taking a deep breath.
" I am sorry. It's just that I thought that you didn't like me and I am head over heels for you. I don't know. " she said looking hassled. 
" just don't do it again. It was killing me" I said, pulling her in for a hug.
" I promise" she replied, giving a kiss on my neck.

" OH. MY. GOD" we heard Cami yell.
" what" Lili said pulling away.
" please don't tell me that you guys are romantically together" she said.
" actually we are" i said facing Lili with a big smile on my face and she smiled back, cuddling onto my left side, her head on my shoulder and her hands wrapped around my chest. 
I gave her a peck on her forehead.
" Dang it! I lost 20 bucks to Casey" Cami said.
" you guys had bet on us" Lili said.
" He thought it was too obvious and I thought that you are just extremely touchy best friends. But nonetheless he was right." Cami said.
" we are not touchy" I said.
" I can see that" Cami said " Lili I want all the details in detail after your lover boy is gone" Cami said walking out the door.
" where you going" Lili asked.
" oh I am going to get coffee with Charles" she said shrugging her shoulders.
" Cole do you wanna bet 50 bucks that we have another couple on the way" Lili said looking at me.
" oh no, I don't want to loose" I said chuckling.
" shut up you guys" Cami said slamming the door shut.

" I am gonna head home, I am here since yesterday" I said standing up " I wonder how you haven't complained that yet that I am stinking". 
" oh Mr. Hottie your not, you actually smell god." She said smirking.
" if you don't mind, can I come with you" she said.
" yeah sure. But why?" I replied.
" maybe because I want to cuddle and kiss you the whole day" She replied, automatically getting a big grin on my face.
" lets go you dork" I replied picking her up from the couch.

She packed a bag for herself and left Cami a note.

We went to my apartment afterwards and I had the best time and the best day.

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