Her Ex

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Lili PoV

11:30 am

I was deciding what to wear for a meeting with my manager.
I was wearing only my white coloured rob and standing inside my walk in closet, contemplating on what to wear.

" Any help there" Cole said and standing on the door of the closet.
" yes please" I said, looking at him and glancing a smile at him.
" wait" I said and took out a black bralette and a white coat.
I showed it too him.
" this looks to be a good outfit" I said scanning the coat and bralette.
" instead, what about this" he said holding my black shirt out.
" that'll be too formal" I said, but I did get why he showed me the shirt.
" okay so, how about your black shirt and white pants" he said.
" what about only my bralette and white pants" I said trying to trouble him.
" no, the black shirt and the pants" he said making me laugh.
" what's so funny?" He asked confused.
" the fact that you look so cute when you are possessive" I said and wrapped my hands around his neck.
" not funny Lils" he said and put his hands on my back, but not wrapping them.
" I like it" I said and kissed him.
It was a soft kiss.
" now get out, I'll be late." I said and pushed him outside.
I shut the door and changed into my outfit.

The black shirt and white pants with my black pencil heels.

I opened the door and saw Cole pretending as if he didn't want to see what I was wearing.
" how do I look" I asked him and he looked at me.
" so gorgeous" he said and kissed me.
" you know it's okay if you are possessive about me and want to check me out" I said.
" only I can check you out" he said.
" oh yeah" I said smirking.
" yeah" he replied also smirking and kissing me again.

I did my make up and was ready to go.
It was 12:00 pm and my meeting was at 12:30 pm.

" I am leaving" I said.
" when will you be back?" He asked and walked me till the door of our apartment.
" probably after lunch" I said.
" okay bye" he said and pecked my lips.
" bye" I said and left.

2:00 pm

The meeting with my manager was finally over and she had to go somewhere so we didn't have lunch together, like we usually do.

I was walking down the street till where my car was parked and bumped into someone.

" I'm so sorry-" I said and then recognised the person.

Ray. My Ex back from Ohio.
I broke with him, because I had to pursue my dreams.
We were better off as friends.
Also the guy who I lost my virginity to.

" Lili, Hi" He said and went for a hug while I was going for a handshake.
Already awkward.
I hugged him anyway.

" how are you, long time" he said.
" I'm good. What about you" I replied.
" good. I love your show Riverdale" he said.
" good to know" I said and smiled.
" total fan of that Jug-head" he said and I laughed.
" he's my favourite character too" I said chuckling.
" what are you doing for lunch" he asked.
" nothing. Was just heading home after a meeting" I said.
" that explains your outfit" he said chuckling.
" if you don't mind, let's go out for lunch. It'll be good catching up" he said.
" I'm not sure, I have to head home" I replied a little reluctant.
" come on, it'll be fun" he said.
" okay fine" I replied giving in.

" so how are you hear in Vancouver" I asked.
" businesses trip" he replied.
" what do you do" I asked.
" I work for a multi national company" he replied.

We decided to go for sushi.

" so you dating anyone" he asked.
" yeah, I'm dating that Jug-head" I said laughing.
" that the whole world knows, I'm talking about your personal life" he said chuckling.
" I'm actually dating the guy who plays Jug-head. Cole. Cole Sprouse" I said.
" isn't he the same guy who played Cody" he said.
" yeah " I replied.
" you were never a Disney kid" he said.
" well true that" I said laughing.
" so what about you" I asked.
" oh just one girl since you" he said " it was hard to move on".

The part of this lunch I was dreading.
He was an extremely cheesy person.
I didn't have to get over him, he was pretty cringe back then.

My phone started to ringing.
Thank god.

" give me a minute" I said and got up, taking out my phone.
Cole was calling me. This man always saves my life.

" how was your meeting" he asked.
" it was good, there is a new movie, whose audition I've got" I said and was standing outside the restaurant now.
" congratulations! " he said.
" I haven't even got the role yet" I said slightly chuckling.
" I know you will" he replied with a smirk.
" when will you be back" he asked.
" in another 30 minutes. I bumped into Ray and now we are having lunch" I said.
" Oh. Your ex Ray?" He said.
" yeah" I replied.
"Weren't you supposed to have lunch with your manager" He asked.
" she had to be somewhere" I replied.
" oh okay. Enjoy your lunch" he said and hung up.
And the Cole Sprouse Jealously mode is on ladies and gentlemen.
Cole wasn't perfect and neither did I want him to be.
But when he's jealous, he's the cutest yet kind of a diffident person.

I went back inside and quickly finished my lunch.
We bid goodbye and went in opposite direction.

As I was parking my car in front of our apartment I saw Cole was going somewhere.
He didn't see me though.
I quickly parked my car and called out his name.
He turned around.
" where are you going" I asked.
" just walking till the grocery" he said not in his normal cheery and sarcastic tone.
" give me a minute, I'll also come" I said.
" you must be tired" he replied.
" no I am good" I said and opened the door to our apartment.
" wait for me" I said and went inside.
I quickly wore some flats and went back.
" those shoes were killing me" I said chuckling walking up to him.
He just nodded.

He was unusually quiet throughout our small walk. He would usually make conversation, show me some lame puns or ask me everything about my meeting.

Walking back from the Grocery Store

" what did you do" I asked him.
" made some lunch and talked to Dylan" he replied not even making eye contact.
He opened the door to our apartment and walked inside, putting the bag on the kitchen counter.
He was about to walk inside our room, clearly avoiding me.
I pulled him by his arm.

" what's wrong" I asked still holding his arm.
" Nothing" He said turning his head back but I tightened my grip.
" don't lie to me" I knew why he was acting like this, but wanted to hear it from him.
" nothing's wrong" he said and I cupped his cheeks.
" Cole I love you and only you. It was just a lunch with a friend. Nothing else." I said.
" okay" he said turning his head away.
" do you believe me ?" I asked.
" of course I believe you" he said now looking at me " it's just that, he was your first love and you lost your virginity to him and then having lunch with him." He said.
" Hey, he might be my first love, but I didn't even love him one fourth of how much I love you. I don't think I can love anyone how much I can love you. Okay?" I said and wrapped my arms around his neck.
" okay" he said in his bashful and husky voice, wrapping his arms around me.
" I love YOU " I said.
" well, I love you too" he said and I kissed him.
"I ... love... you... so... much..." I said in between kisses. A giggle escaped his lips.

He pulled away and rested his forehead on mine.
" I don't like that guy" Cole said.
" believe me, me too. I know how I survived that lunch" I said chuckling " I was so happy when you called me" I said.
" well that's I guess good" he said slightly chuckling also.
" now go change, you must be uncomfortable" he said.
" you know me" I said and kissed his nose.

I went and got changed into his T-shirt.
We watched FRIENDS and soon we both fell asleep on the couch, cuddled up.
He was always my happy place!

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