Night Shoots

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Lili PoV

" hey, you going somewhere tonight also?" I asked Cole, as sweetly as I could.
" yeah, have a night shoot" he replied not even looking at me.
" can't you just stay home" I said.
" I have a shoot" he said, sounding annoyed now.
" why are you getting annoyed? It's not like I am telling you to stop working" I said annoyed now.
" sounds like it" he said.
" what the hell? All I am asking for is one dinner with mind you, my husband" I said.
" stop sounding so clingy" he said.
" are you serious?" I said really frustrated now.
" I don't have time to waist. I'll be late" He said starting to walk out
" so spending time with me is a waist of time now. Wow. " I said and walked out of the room and went in the balcony.

He went without even saying a bye. Great.

I calmed myself down and went and made dinner for myself and my phone started ringing.

" hey Cam. Wassup" I asked her.
" I am in the mood to party." She said making me chuckle.
" you want to party?" I asked.
" yeah! It's been a long time since we both have gone to a bar and danced." She said.
" I'd love to. But I don't feel like it." I said.
" come on, let's goo" she said pleading.
" okay fine, let's go!" I replied. 
" yay! I'll meet you at the bar in 30" She said.
" perfect!" I replied and hung up.

I don't need to feel guilty for going to a bar, Cole's not at home, he'll come late, I can go and and have some fun.

I wore a black top with ripped jeans and paired it with black block heels.

I drove down to the bar and saw Cami outside the bar, was waiting for me.

" Heyy girll" She said and hugged me " let's go and get high".
" yaaass" I said giggling.

Cole PoV

I feel really guilty for being so rude to Lili and then coming to the bar with all my cast mates from the movie that I am shooting. We wrapped within an hour and somehow they convinced me to go with them.
I am sitting on the bar, drinking vodka on the rocks with Hayley and Justin.

Lili PoV

" tequila shots?" I asked Cami.
" You go girl" she screamed in my ear making me giggle.
We both headed towards the round bar and took 3 shots each.
" okay I'm tipsy" I said putting my hands up.
" the night has just started" she said and we both laughed.

" hey Lil, didn't you say Cole was shooting" Cami said.
" yeah, yeah he's shooting" I said.
" if I'm not wrong isn't that him" she said pointing towards the other side of the bar.

That jerk.

" oh my god" I said almost screaming and he turned his face from the others and we made eye contact.
He stopped laughing and got up from his seat.

" Lili" he said.

" Cami I'm gonna take off" I said to her and she nodded her head.

" Lili wait" He said running after me, but I didn't stop.
" shove it Cole" I said and got out of the bar.

Cole PoV

Oh crap, I messed up.

" Lili wait" I said running after her.
" shove it Cole" she replied and went outside of the bar.

" you messed up" Cami said.
" I know" I replied and ran my fingers through my hair.
" she was so upset because of you" Cami said and I looked at her.
" she really just wanted to spend some time with you, and here you are partying instead " she said.
" why did you lie to her?" She asked.
" what! I didn't lie to her" I said.
" you told her that you went to shoot" She said.
" yeah I went to shoot, but somehow these guys convinced me to come with them " I replied regretting.
" you should go after her" she said and left.
" I don't know" I said contemplating what I had done.

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