Wedding Day

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this is going to be long 🥰

Lili PoV

Today is the night of our rehearsal dinner and I am wearing a red coloured dress with black heels.
The rehearsal dinner is at our place.
We just shifted in here 2 weeks ago.
It's a pretty big house.
I am so excited to get married!!

" babe is everything ready?" Cole asked.
" yeah" I said with a big smile on my face and went and wrapped my hands around his torso.
" you look beautiful" he said and placed a kiss on my forehead.
I leaned and placed a soft kiss on his lips and the door bell rang.
" I'll get it" he said.
" hello Cole" my mom and dad said in unison.
" hi mom and dad" I said and we all exchanged hugs.
" the house looks great" my mom said.
" it was all Lili" Cole said and I placed a kiss on his cheeks.

Soon everyone came and it was time for dinner.
" well I'd like to make a toast to the happy couple, who have always been by each other's side and always will. To Cole and Lili" Casey said.
" to Cole and Lili" everyone said in unison.

I poured some gravy for myself and I took a bite.
All of a sudden my whole mouth started burning.

Cole PoV

" my tongue is burning, something feels weird. " Lili said coughing.
" what's wrong" I said rubbing her back.
" oh god" she said and stood up. She was coughing like crazy.
" get her some water" Amy said.
" it's gonna be okay" I said trying to balance her.
" it's her allergies." Mr. Reinhart said.
" I need my medicine" she said still coughing.
" I'll get it" I said and ran to get her medicine.

" come on let's go inside" I said after giving her the medicine and taking her to our room.
I put her in bed and went to talk the caterers.

After talking to them and telling them this better not happen tomorrow, I went back inside.

" the caterer said they didn't know how this happened ." I said sitting on the bed and holding her hands.
" I don't wanna get married like this" Lili said sobbing.
Her lips had grown 1000 times bigger her whole face was red.
" I promise it'll be better in the morning" I said trying to comfort her.
" no it won't, I look so bad" she said.
" it doesn't look that bad" I said trying to comfort her.
" Cole where should I – for the love of god" KJ said.
"you see I look so bad" Lili said sobbing even more now.
" get out" I said to KJ.
" yeah o-okay" he said and went.
" look even my tongue is swollen"she said sticking her tongue out.
" you are marrying a big, fat, potato mouth" she said and I chuckled.
" it's not bad really, besides the swelling is going down." I said.
" really?" She said.
" yeah" I replied.
" shut up, you are just saying that because you love me" She said and pulled the towel from my hand , hiding her face.
" oh god" I said chuckling.
" I promise it'll get better" I said caressing her hands.

The next Morning

I didn't sleep beside Lili.
I woke up and went in our room, to find her sleeping.
" oh baby" I said with a big grin, her lips were normal now.
I kept a little note, with two Lilly's , since they are her favourite flowers and kissed her forehead.

Lili PoV

I woke up to the smell of Lilly's.
I opened my eyes and saw a note.

"I can't wait to marry you" it said and I smiled smelling the Lilly's.
" My lips" I said and ran to the bathroom.
" thank god" I said looking in the mirror and I was looking normal now.
" Can I come in?" I heard Cami say.
" yeah" I said all happy.
" thank god the bride of Frankenstein is gone" she said laughing and hugged me.
" come on, Bella is waiting for you." She said.
" Just a minute" I said.
Bella is my stylist.

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