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I didn't have a warning here but now I have to put it here because apparently people are no longer reading the tags.

This book is a hardcore BDSM book. I am a very blunt author and I mean it, I dont hide shit and I dont shy away from anything.

Now in this book expect anything and everything, if you have triggers, stay away. Because when I say it's all in, it's all in. 

There is going to be a relationship between an uncle and nephew and a questionable relationship between father and son.

Another thing is, that I created a safe space for my readers so in this house we dont kink shame, we dont judge. You see what you don't like, just pass through and let people be themselves. 

Thank you, I hope you enjoy and welcome to the fam. We all are kinky twisted bitches in this house.

Mano's POV
"Since you are 19 years old you do know that you are old enough to stay on your own and look for a job and rent a place right?"  The man sitting in front of me asked and I just nodded my head.
"But here I see that your mom wants you to go and stay with her brother. So I'm not going to force you to live with him but if you feel like you need somewhere to go while you figure out your life, I'd suggest you go to him and you can always leave anytime you want"

At this point, I was just nodding my head too tired to even think for myself. Anyway, I've got nothing to lose whether I stay with this uncle or go and figure out my shït, my life is already messed up.
My parents will definitely be sentenced to a very long time in prison and I'll probably need more than a week to completely heal, but not that I'm complaining anyway.

"How long do you think they will be gone? "  I asked my voice barely a whisper.

"I won't lie to you kid, they are in for a long time. Maybe your mother might get less than your father but still, she'll have a long sentence"

"Okay then, get me to this uncle, " I told him.
"You have your things packed and I'll come to pick you up tomorrow morning. It's gonna be a long journey"

"Thank you and good night" I waved to the man as he made his way out of the house.

As I lay down in my room, I knew I'd miss this house very much. It was big and well very comfortable.
How did my parents involve themselves in this whole scam thing?
It's not like they were not rich enough, actually, they were not rich but they were filthy rich. But no one knew who I was, as much as the world knew that my parents had a kid they never knew who the child was or even the gender.

My father always told me that the world was not a friendly place for me hence I was never supposed to let anyone know my real identity.

I switch on the tv only to be attached by the hottest news which is the arrest of one of the most successful couple in the country, in other words, my parents.
"You know you could just do yourself a favor and just sleep," I say to myself.

Tomorrow is gonna be a long day I can already feel it.

Talk about literally losing everything overnight.

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