1|At The Airport

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'The greatest jihad is to fight your own soul, to battle the evil within your self'
-our beloved Nabiy, Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

Surayya's POV

Whin! Whin! Whin! Came the sound of my alarm clock into my eardrums, It's time for Fajr prayer(Morning Prayer). I sluggishly stood up and went to the Bathroom, freshened up and performed ablution. Spraying the Mat-sallaya, I said the Takbir and started praying.

After that I did some azhkar and opened to my favorite morning Surah, Suratul-Mulk.

Immediately I finished reading I lay flat there to continue my sleep, this is where I do my morning sleep when ever I'm too lazy to carry myself to bed. Today is Sunday, and All I want is thorough rest.



"Come in!" I wonder who it is. "Sorry Aunty Surayya, Alhaji is calling you" Barirah the maid said and turned back to go immediately. She makes me feel old, I mean I'm just 4 years older than her but she calls me Aunty, that's why I'm never friendly with her, what an annoying person she is. Instead of you to tell the poor girl,you're blaming her. My brain communicated.

Well that's me for you, If you wrong me I'll just keep it to my self and be angry with you and that's the Habit my Mom has been trying to change in me cause she said it will just cause misunderstanding between I and the people I live with.

Wait!, why is Dad calling me?, I hope he's not trying to hook me up with one of his friends sons again, or is he tired of me and is going to throw me out of his house?. Well,Who Knows. Arghh.

Can you imaging my dad threatening to give me out for free to one of his Securities in the company.

I went to his room but he wasn't there, he must be in His study room probably reading some kind of boring book of history.

He has soo much interest in reading those kind of books and has tried to put me in the track but I always maneuvered, I don't want to grow gray hair.

I went downstairs and entered the study room with a salam. "Wa'alaikumu salam" Abba answered my Salam.

"Abba ina kwana" (Good Morning Abba) I greeted
"Lafia Yar Baba"

OK, anytime you hear my Dad call me yar Baba, yar auta, or yar lele, then I'm sure he's in a good mood and is going to ask me to do something, hope is not another cliché, arghh! I hate it.

"Abba, Do you need something?" I asked picking up the papers on the floor. "Oh yes, Salim is coming to Nigeria today and you'll be the one to pick him up from the Airport"
"Who is Salim?" I asked, cause if he's a suitor that will be very embarrassing, I mean going to the Airport to pick up a suitor is very very awkward, it'll be as if I'm begging him to marry me!.

"Salim, Alhaji Bukar's son"
Wow, It's been long, so they're finally coming back to Nigeria.

"Oh, Ya Salim, are they coming back?" I asked.
"No, he's coming over for a program, but I think they will soon move back, no more questions, just get ready and make sure you arrive there soon"

"Okay, but Abba you know I planned to go to Mami's plays today" I said.

"You can go to Your Mothers place tomorrow, We can't live our guest waiting, He's coming to Nigeria after a long time" Hell No! Is he living with us?

"Okay Abba"
"yawwa yar Baba, go get ready, their plain is landing in the next three hours". I nodded my head in agreement.

   I went to the kitchen and made my self breakfast, just simple sandwich and hot chocolate.
The last time I saw Ya Salim was when I was in Year Eight,I'm sure he has grown taller and finer.
I want to see him not because he's handsome though, you know the feeling of not seeing someone for a very long period of time.

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