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Surayya's POV

    I felt someone tapping my cheeks lightly disturbing my peaceful slumber. "Manal please let me sleep" I muttered but she won't stop,This Girl and her trouble.

      "C'mon Habibty wake up" what!?, I'm just realizing that I'm in my Husband's House,and the Dream I had of been married in sleep was actually true.

    I opened my eyes slowly but weakly and met with those Dazzling eyes,There and Then I remembered what happened between us yesternight,Oh My God. I'm feeling very shy,How am I suppose to react.

    Our Gazes locked for some seconds and I cast my head down feeling very awkward,So me and Ya Salim had...oh my God. "Good morning" he kissed my forehead lightly. "Good Morning" I said in a low tone,he didn't hear it, I'm sure.

    "Someone is Shy,Don't be shy okay, It's absolutely fine,you made me very Happy Habibty,I Love you" He hugged me again. I am speechless.

    "It's past prayer time Hayatie,I have been waking you up since" he said trying to get me up. I felt a slight pain beneath me making me to groan a little. "Ya Allah. I'm so sorry. I hurt you right?" He asked with guilt.

      "Not really" I put on a smiling face,He actually did,but not that much. Bilkisu told me it will hurt anyways,but I didn't want him to feel guilty. "I'm so sorry,you caused it,you were too sweet" He flirt,This man is so shameless,I can clearly recall all that he said to me last night,Men!.

     "I'm fine" I said shyly. "Are you sure?" He teased and lift me up heading to the bathroom,just like I see in movies, finally it is my turn to be treated like a queen. "I promise it won't hurt next time" he tapped my back lightly and I smiled.

     "Zainab just brought our Breakfast" He said after coming into the room. "Okay,let me go get it" I tied my Atampa Scarf. "Oh My God,Hayatie You look Super Cute" He said moving close to hold me but I  shifted a bit,"Stop it"I said shyly.

   He chuckled and held my waist. I had to push him out of the bathroom earlier,he wanted to help me,yes,but I'm not yet ready for that,may be next time.

    "Stop what?" He pretended not to understand"Nothing" he kissed my right cheek making it turn pink. "Awww,Now you are blushing" he kissed the left side,"We have a visitor Downstairs" I said. "Let me go meet her" he said. "Let's go together" I grabbed my veil.

   "No,I don't want anyone to look at my Beautiful Wife"he pouted
"You're not serious" I laughed. "I am,but since is Zainab, I'll give her the privilege" he laughed,he knew the word he used was funny. "Just sit back here, I'll be right back.

    "Ina kwana Aunty" The young girl greeted politely.

     "lafia qalau Zainab,How is everyone?" I asked,"They are all fine Wallahi,They even said I should greet you"

   "Allah Sarki,kice Ina Ansawa" I smiled at the beautiful girl,She is Habiby's Neice. "Let me get going" she stood up to go,not so fast.

    "So soon?" I asked. "Mama said  Shouldn't stay long and the Driver is waiting outside" She said.

     "Haba dai,sit and make your self comfortable,I'm coming" I made her sit back and took the Basket of food to the Dining Area.

     "So Zainab which school are you going to and what Year are you in?" I am trying to be a Good Aunty,I don't know them that much.

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