24|Wedding events

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If you could hear the sounds of the pens of the angels writing your name among those who remember Allah,You'd Die out of Joy.


Salim's POV

Three Days, Just Three Days and she will be mine, This feeling is the best feeling ever, I most admit that I am Lucky, I am Super Lucky. Hayatie is a very religious girl and remembering that Alone gives me joy.

The Best a Father can ever do to his Unborn kids is to choose a Good Mother for them, Someone he will want to see his children been a Carbon copy of.

I went to see her yesterday and I Masha Allah, Her beauty is increasing Da by Day.I promise never to make those Innocent Dark Brown Eyes cry. I promise to keep her Happy always and together we will work and build a Strong relationship.

'Guy hope say you no forget say we go catch up abi?'

Hanif texted me, Who will look at that Guy in person and even say he knows a Word in pidgin, He tried to teach me but later gave up saying I can't.

'No, I have not, I'll be on my way' I replied and grabbed my car keys.

"Leem" Khaulat called, "Yes" I answered. "Seems you are ready to go?" I asked looking at her Trolley. "Yes Obviously" She rolled her eyes.

"Okay, Safe journey" I turned to go but she stoped me, "So you won't even take me to the Airport?" She asked, and when did you become mu responsibility, my friend pack your things and go.

"As you can see, I'm on my way somewhere. What is the use of the Drivers?" I asked."But I want you to take me" She insisted. "I'll advice you stop waisting your time else you might end up missing your flight" I advised her and entered the car.

"What is it?" Ummi ask coming out of the House, "He doesn't want to take me to the Airport"

"Why Son?" Ummi asked. "Ummi Khaulat likes trouble and I wouldn't want anything close to a misunderstanding to happen between I and Suraaya. The last time we went to the Supermarket together, She took a picture of us and sent it to Surayya" I informed Ummi.

"So this is all about that Girl?" Khaulat asked fuming with anger, "This is not about her, this is about what we discussed the last time. I told you I will never take you anywhere again so Why are you insisting?" All this while Ummi was just looking at us.

"Khaulat don't mind him, I'll tell The Driver to take you. Leave this Ango alone, Kanshi na rawa" Ummi said and we both laughed while Khaulat hissed.

"Ummi na, you are the Best!, Thanks for accepting Surayya"I hugged her.

"Anything for you Son" Ummi said. "Let me get going" I said."Safe journey, My regards to her"

"Ummi I am not going to her place" I whined and sh eyed me.

"Well, I might branch to their place that is if they will even let me see her" I sighed.

"Tafi ka bani guri Mara kunya" Ummi spanked me on my Back playfully and I laughed. Didn't I say it that Ummi will accept My Suraaya.

I looked through the front mirror and saw them laughing, Ummi and khaulat can never be separated I guess, How did she make her laugh this much. She cried so hard yesterday saying that she love me and she would do anything in her power to get me. Crazy right?.

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