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Third Person's POV

Two Months Later

   It was Khaulat and an elderly woman who can be identified as her mother as a result of the resemblance between them, there was a man who was dressed in a black and red silky cloth. Behind him were a series of idols of different shapes and sizes, with some human skulls hanged on the wall.

    "Your work is doing good Boka,  Allah ya qara basira(may God increase your knowledge)" the elderly woman grinned.

    "Heyyyyy! How dare you call the name of God here, it's against our rule, that name angers the gods of our land" he fumed with anger, his eyes as red as blood, his ugly face becoming darker and angrier.

    "Ayi haquri Boka (We are sorry)" she bowed a little.

    "Buqata ta biya aiki yayi kyau ko?(has your wants been fulfilled?)" he smirked, "Yes Sir" Khaulat Chuckled and he started laughing loudly making them to startle and hold each other's hand.

    "Hahahahaha! Sai Ni Boka Mai cin nasara ako da yaushe" he praised his self hitting his chest while they just kept nodding their heads like lizards in support of what he said.

    "What do you want next?" He asked swaying the feather in his hand, "He has neglected my Case and his Wife's condition is becoming worst day by day, I don't want you to kill her, all I want is for you to add to her misery and make her look mentally ill, she hardly talks fah Boka, your work is very good I must compliment" Khaulat said all in one breath, she's very scared of this Human but what is there if she will get what she wants.

   "Is that all?" He asked
"I also want him to get attracted to me, to marry me and also entrust all his properties to me" she smirked. "It's done" he smirked too and then started saying some incantations after that he brought out something from a big wide pot beside him.

   "Put this into his food and make sure he takes it, and this, you will bury it in her house, where she lives, shikenan an Gama" he threw it to her and rored like a lion.

  "Godiya muke,(We appreciate)" they bowed and payed him for his job.
They stood up and started moving backwards till they were out of the hut.

    "Mom this will work right?" Khaulat grinned, "Watch and see" The mother smirked. They headed to their car and zoomed out of the bush.


    Inside the room you can find a series of clothes on the floor, bottle of finished beers, and a Young Man at his Early Thirties enjoying the company of the foul smell in the room as a result of too much Alcohol.

   He will stay in there for Days doing nothing but drinking, he will cry sometimes and even talk to his self. "Why Surayya?" He will keep asking his self. "I don't blame you, Its all my fault, I don't deserve to live, I don't deserve you" he said slowly pointing a finger at his self.

  "Who is there!?" He shouted standing up and heading to the door as he damns the person who kept on knocking at the door. "Who is There?" He asked once he opened the door.

   "Let me pass?" The woman pushed him and made her way, "Salim yanzu ka kyauta kenan, you've ruined your life simply because of that mentally ill thing, because of a Woman you don't respect me again, change your life, this is not a right path" she said disgusted.

    "Ummi!" He pointed at her, "Get out of my house, if you're here to insult my Wife then please get out!" He shouted.
     Tears rushed down from her eyes and she stood up. "Salim you can always get a better woman" she tried to calm him down.

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