21|Sorry For The Inconvenience

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'Oh You Broken one, tell me- Will Allah leave you broken?
Indeed the Lord knows the patience that resides in you,
Indeed after hardship comes ease,
So Dear heart, relax! Do not spend your life in worry.'

   Not edited🔃.....Happy Reading😊enjoy☕😉

Surayya's POV

I adjusted my Deep Mauve coloured Hijab and sprayed some perfume on it then went downstairs to meet him, my Prince Charming, he shouldn't suffer for the mistake he didn't commit, should he?.

He came this morning but I told the maid to tell him to come back later in the evening because I was still angry for what his Mom did to me yesterday.

"Where is he?" I asked Barirah, "He is in the mini Parlour" she answered me. "Make sure you bring the refreshments Okay?"
"Yes Ma."

I entered the Parlour with a Salam and I Almost choked up, Oh My God, Masha Allah, he was wearing a Black jeans with a Black hoodie and he's perfume was already making me crazy, I know even the Atmosphere will like to give a comment if given the chance to, The smell is so enticing, Ya Allah.

"Wa'alaiki Salam" he smiled keeping his phone away, I sat on the Cushion adjacent to him feeling so very good. "Surayya Sarauniyar Mata, How are you doing?" He asked and I felt my Face turning red from what his words, he called me Sarauniyar Mata, and when did my name turn to Sarauniya.

"I'm doing Good, You?" I asked, "You don't look good, Surayya I want to personally tell you how sorry I am for what Ummi did to you, If I was there I wouldn't have let that to happen, I am very very Sorry, What Ummi did was not wright. Though I wasn't there, I know she must have threw offensive words at you. I want to plead on her behalf, I'm sorry, kinji?" He said with soft words.

"Ba komai ai ya wuce, I'm not angry with you, stop saying Sorry, you make me feel Some how" I smiled, "Surayya are you sure?, Then why didn't you pick my calls?" He teased, "Ya Salim" I whined.

"There she goes, Are you a Baby?" He teased again, This Man can kill. I covered my face with my palms and nodded my head negatively making him to laugh. "This Hijab perfectly suit your Face, you look very good in Hijab, I Love it when you wear Hijab" he said making the butterflies in my stomach to flip in am acute manner. "Thanks" I said shyly.

"Well, Dad said he'll talk to Abba about us today" He said staring at me, Did I just hear him well?, Us,as in we, is that what he meant, OMG.

So he wants to Marry me, This Handsome innocent Soul here is about to choose me as his life partner, I hope excitement wouldn't kill me.

"Don't worry About Ummi, We have sought out things with her" he assured, I looked at him and then chuckled, just the thought of me been his wife is turning me crazy, I totally forgot about his Mom trouble, How could I?.

"So, you mean she's okay with it?" I asked, "Yes, you don't have to be scared, She's okay with it, Dad talked to her this Morning" he pleaded, he doesn't have to plead cause I have already agreed. Which Woman in her right senses will turn him, Tell me, Am I not Lucky to have this Calm innocent Soul to be my Husband?.

"Okay, May Allah see us through" I smiled and he almost jumped up, So he is happy because I agreed, Ya Ilaahi. "Thank you so much for giving me this Chance, I promise I won't let you down, Alhamdulillah, I Love you" he said, I was already dreaming of Us as a Happy Family, Me, Ya Salim and our Children, Ya Allah.

I chuckled a little and continued fiddling with my fingers, I couldn't look at him in the eyes, I don't know what to say about how I'm feeling right now, it's just a Mixed feeling, I am feeling Loved, Shy, Happy, anxious, Just can't explain it!.

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