16|Confession Of Love

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Surayya's POV

Today, I'm going to branch after work and great Ya Salim in the Hospital, I didn't go back since when I came back home the other day.

I made food for him and gave the Driver to take it but his Mom rejected it,so Maami suggested that I don't go to avoid her trouble, she rejected my food then what will she do to me when she I go there

"Surayya, please take this to Salim" Ya Hanif said handing over a file. "Ok but that would be after work" I said.

"No, please take it to him Immediately, he'll sign it and give it back to you, Ok" he said sipping his coffee. "Ok" I said and headed outside to my car and off I go.

I arrived in less than a minute and headed to the room he was admitted to. "Assalamu alaikum" I said and at the same time knocked at the door.
"Wa'alaikumu Salam,come in."

"Good Morning" I greeted but he didn't answer, "Hello" I said again."So you still remember that I'm here"

"I was busy with Office, Sorry" I said and dropped the Bag of Fruits I bought in the frontage of the Hospital.

"So this is how it would have been if I was Dead, you will just forget about me and go to work" he said disappointed. "No Ya Salim, don't misunderstand me, I do really care, please don't think like that, Nothing will happen to you, stop talking about death" I said. "Ok, I believe you"

"Ya Hanif gave me this to give you" I said giving him the file. "Okay, let me sign it" he signed the papers and gave it back to me. "Ok Bye, I'll come back later, l promise" I said "That won't be necessary because I'll be discharged today" he said. "Okay" I silently said and turned to go but the most powerful sentence glued my foot to the ground and stopped my Heart from beating for half a second.

Perhaps if I wasn't strong enough I would have experienced a heart Attack.

"Suraaya I Love you" he said with his Husky Sweet voice that can melt one's heart. "S..S...sorry?" I asked to confirm if what I heard was wright.

"Yes Suraaya, I do, I Love You" he said it again. He stood up from the bed and Started coming closer, with every step he takes further my heart beat a thousand time.

He is now some few inches away from me and I think my Heart will Pop out any time from now, Oh God help me.

"I Love you from the bottom of my heart, I loved you Since the Day I set my eyes on you, You've become a part of me I can't leave without,Today I want to confess to you that I think of you day and night, That you are the Woman my Heart, my Mind, my Soul, my Life Choose, Please Don't say No, please" he said the last word kneeling in front of me.

I wish this dream will not come to an end, but I know sooner or letter I'll wake up.

"Believe me, my heart crave for you, I Love you, I Love you till eternity" he said. I didn't expect it any time soon, of course I was desperately waiting for this moment but At least not in a hospital.

A tear slipped from my eyes, I don't know why but the tears kept coming,"Did my Words hurt you?, I'm Sorry Suraaya I was just joking please stop crying"

"It was a joke?, How dare you do that to me" I asked disappointed and he laughed a little.

"I was not joking, okay, So tell me, Do you feel the same way?" He asked moving closer, this is getting Uncomfortable, what if someone comes in, What if His Mother come in, Ya Allah.

I nodded my head negatively and pushed him away, "Oh Really?" He asked, "Uhumm, are you surprised?" I asked raising me eyebrows, "No I'm not, just that your eyes disappoint you each time you lie" he said and I chuckled.

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