3|Whats More Embarrassing Than This

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The Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) said: Do not turn away a poor Man even if all you can give is half a date, If you love the poor and bring them near you, Allah will bring him near you on the Day of Resurrection.

(copied from- IslamiCalPlus.com)

Surayya's POV

   Instead of him to appear in front of my window knocking, his call came in rather, mtss, I wish I can hiss perfectly.

I have no other option but to answer his call!. "Suraaya, can you hear me?"
Who is Suraaya? Well I don't think that's my name he is calling so I kept mute. "Suraaya?" He called again.

"Yes" I answered Laconically.
"I was thinking if you could come out of your car, that way I'll be able to identify you" he said more like a suggestion. "Okay" I murmured and came out.

I stood there for about 5mins and was about giving up when suddenly someone cleared his throat from my back.

I turned back to see if he's finally here but was taken aback by someone, he's not just someone he is that Guy that bumped into me earlier and accused me of trying to start a conversion with him.

"What?" I Asked.
"Water" he answered sarcastically with a chuckle. Seriously?, not after insulting me,no way!.

"Look, I don't have your time too, so if you don't mind, please disappear" I said trying to be as serious as possible.

"But you have Salim's time, right?"

Where did he know him from? and how did he know that I know Ya Salim.

He's not only stupid, he's wicked he must have kidnapped Ya Salim....oh my God I'm doomed.

"I'm very Sorry for yelling at you the other time, I didn't even mean to insult you but please don't hurt Ya Salim, he is new in this City he doesn't know anyone or anywhere, please I beg you" I said almost in tears

"Cool down Suraaya, its me, Salim"
"No pls, you're not him just bring him from wherever you may have taking him to" I begged him. What will I say To Abba when I get home.

"I'm not joking here Suraaya, let's go home"he said.

"Go home?, His mother will kill you believe me, just leave him, he hasn't done anything" I tried threatening him, but he called me the way Ya Salim called my Name earlier, Ya Allah! I hope nothing has happened to him, see what my blabbering has caused now!.

He showed me his phone, "what?" I asked, I was thinking may be I'll hear Salim's voice crying and begging me to come and save him, just the way I see in movies but No, he showed me an evidence, a prove, it was the call log, yes! He called me three times, but I just picked twice, this is just a lie, it should be a lie.

"I don't believe you, I'm going to call the police now!" Before I even dialed the Emergency number for the Police, Ya Salim's number appeared on my screen.

  I gasped and took a step backward, and then all the memory of what happened earlier  came back to my brain and mind, No! Not after all that happened, this is so so embarrassing.

Can the floor just open up and swallow me?, I'll be more than grateful Wallah. I pinched myself to see if May be its a dream, but I didn't wakeup, This is reality.

"Are you Ya Salim or That Guy?" I asked.
"Both" his answer dropped into my ear followed by a chuckle. He finds this to be funny, but to me is not a joke. "I just can't believe that you are Ya Salim, You fooled me and I out of foolishness joined you in pursing your Prank on me"

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