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  Surayya's POV
  A week passed by like a flash of light, Ya Salim will be going back to Kaduna today, but not before escorting me to The Real Mel, he has been of great help lately, guiding me through and entertaining my Customers with his smiles and kindness.

      I don't want him to go back but do I have a choice, absolutely not, Halimah said he is in love with me, it'll will be very stupid of me to believe her, it's not something that's written on the face, so how did she know.

      We are now done with work and on our way home, I'll be the one to take Ya Salim to the Airport. "Salim" A woman called him and we all turned to see who it was.

    "Oh, Aunty Badiyya, Good Afternoon" He greeted the elderly woman, Seems she's on her way to Real Mel, I guess he knows her. "Afternoon, Salim ya kake?" (how are you).
     "I'm fine Ma" he said softly, "Good Afternoon Ma" I greeted her and she answered with a nice tone. How I wish she was his Mother, "Your Mom told me you came over for your NYSC, hope everything is going well?" She asked, She Must be his Mom's friend.

         "Everything is good Ma, thank you" He said, "So who is she?" She asked smiling, "She is Surayya, Alhaji Kuba's Daughter" he said looking at me.

   "Oh, oh, the people you're living with?" She asked, "Yes Ma, and she's the owner of this Place" he said, He loves Advertising my products and I love it, "Allah sarki, So you're the owner" she said, "Yes Ma" I said smiling.

    "Aunty, are you here to buy something?" He asked her, "Yes, I came to buy some Honey" She answered looking at me. "Ok then, come in Ma, You're welcome" I said.

    We went back and in less than 20minutes, we finished. We came out together with her and escorted her yo her car, her Driver came along with her too.

     "Thank you for your Patronage Ma, Do hope you like our products" I said while Ya Salim bid her Good bye, There car took off and so did ours.  "I like the woman, she
is super nice" I said.

    "Yes she's a nice Person, though she has never given birth" he said with a pitiful look, "Ya Allah, She's such a nice person, I pray she get her own children one day"
   "I pray so too" he said.

    The ride home was silent, neither of us tried to start a conversation, for me it was sadness, but he,he looked absolutely ok and fine, I also need to be strong, I don't want to fall in love with the wrong person.
What if he loves someone else?, No, I most not fall in love with him, else I'll suffer.

    This is 5:15pm and we are on our way to the Airport, I'm so sad, I feel like a part of me will be taken away, I'm in deep trouble, I don't know what to do about this feeling, should I open up to him and tell him how much I love him, No, that will cause me nothing but disrespect and embarrassment especially if he doesn't have feelings for me, that may end our friendship too, and I sure don't want that to happen.

     "Thanks for the ride, but you'll have to wait for our departure to be announced, Ok?" He said smiling. He is always smiling,and I love that. "Sure" I said and we went out of the car.

     "Will you miss me?" He asked, "Yes, I will, and you?" I answered and at the same time asked back "I will miss you too, but I will miss your trouble more" he teased.

   I smiled a little as we moved to the Chein Desk, there were few people there so he didn't take long.

  The announcement for the Flight 122 was made, "That's for you, wright?" I asked, "Yes, Bye" he said, he also looked sad, I nodded my head, and gave him his Small Bag.

   "Hey C'mon, I'll visit in the next two weeks, ok?" He said with a smile plastered on his face, I was puzzled at first but I later realized that I was crying, Oh My God.

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