30|Hypocrisy At It Peak

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Salim's POV

   We exited The Car and went into the House my eyes roaming About to capture My Wife but I didn't catch a glimpse of her. "What do you think?" Dad asked. "Sir?" I didn't hear what he said.

    "We'll talk about it Tomorrow, seems your attention is not here" Dad chuckled, "No Dad, I'm listening" I said embarrassed. "Don't worry,it's nothing important" he smiled and headed to his Chamber.

    "Where is Ummi?" I asked the Maid. "She is in Alhaji's Apartment" She said dropping A Glass of Water. "What of My Wife?" I asked. "She has not returned Home yet" she said and left.

    She knew I was coming back today,May be She got carried away with Work. "My Son" Ummi said hugging me. "Ohh Ummina,I miss you" I hugged back.

    "You should have just told me to go meet my Wife since you only miss Your Husband" I joked, "Shut up!" She spanked my back. "Are you competing with me?" Dad asked after coming in. "No Dad" I chuckled.

     "Ummi where is Surayya?" I asked again. "I hid her in my Room" Ummi said and Dad laughed at that. "Your Son has been so eager to reach Home and is all because of his wife so you should release her" Dad chuckled.

    "Ummi please" I whined. "Salim Ban Son Rashin Kunya, You're not even Ashame to ask?" Ummi asked amused. "No" I shrugged and Dad laughed more.

    "See your Son" Ummi gestured at me. "Don't mind Children of nowadays" Dad said. "She went Home after coming back from work. I asked her to go home so she can prepare something for you and clean up the house" Ummi smiled. "She should have waited for me so we can go together" I said.

       "She must be waiting for you but I'll appreciate if you eat a little before you go, I made it myself" Ummi added. "Sure" I said and we all headed to the Dining Area, "Wow, Jollof Rice" I exclaimed as I dig into it.

     "Salam Habiby,How was your flight?, Alhamdulillah Insha Allah. Your Love is waiting for you".Hayatie sent a message.

     "Can't wait to see you Hayatie,I miss you so much, I'll be on my way. I'm at Ummi's" I replied the message. "Thanks for the Dinner Ummi, I'll get going" I pecked her cheeks. "Let me escort you outside" she stood up. "Haba Ummi No, Don't worry" I sat her back.

    "Daddy Sai da safe" I hugged Dad and went out. I engined my car and was about to take off when Ummi came into the view. "Ummi what is it?" I asked. "Salim I want to talk to you" she said. "Okay Ummi,Go ahead" I came out of the car.

    "Let's take a sit" she headed to the Garden and I followed suit. "Ummi what is it?,you are getting me worried" I said. "It's about your Wife" she sighed. "What about her?" I asked worried.

   "My Son when I said you should not marry that Girl,You thought I was been naive. Now she's disrespecting your Mother" Ummi shook her head sideways, But Surayya said everything was okay between her and Ummi.

      "Ummi, Suraaya disrespected you?" I asked surprised. "You don't believe me right?,I knew you won't believe me" she said. "No Ummi,is just that,Suraaya is not like that" I tried defending her. I know my Wife,she wouldn't do anything that will make me sad or get angry with her. She's not the type that disrespect elders.

    "She disrespect me so much and even throw offensive words at me. Whenever I ask her to cook something for me,she will say she's not a slave In this house. She stays outside and sometimes she won't come home till it's past 10pm. She throw offensive words at me, I overhead her insulting me on phone one Day and when I confronted her,She disrespected me and even said that even if I try telling you about her bad Habits you won't believe me. My Son she even said that she will separate you from me" Ummi sobbed.

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