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This Chapter is dedicated to those who enlighten my comment Box, Thanks so much, I Love you guys😁🥰😍❤️

Salim's POV

"I can feel it Salim, just tell me, how is my Baby doing?" She sobbed more, "Stop stressing yourself unnecessarily, the Baby is fine" I kissed her forehead.

"Okay"she answered not satisfied with my response, she has been asking this same question since day before yesterday. "Assalamu Alaikum"

"Wa'alaikumu Salam" I answered, it was Maami, Abba, Hanif, and Aunty Jamila. "Hayatee Maami and Abba are here" I said and she smiled.

"Maami, Abba, Good evening" I squatted down and greeted them. "Evening, how is her health?" They both asked. "Alhamddulillah, we will be discharged today" I smiled.

"Salim ya Mai jiki?" Jamila asked
"Alhamddulillah" I smiled. I and Hanif went to the Accountant to settle the bills.

"How are you planning to tell her?" Hanif asked, "Today" I smiled, "Good luck" he smiled back. "She will understand Insha Allah" I said with assurance, I know my wife. "This is a different case oo, just expect the unexpected" he chuckled and I sighed making him to laugh.

"Hanif is not funny, you know right" I hit him on the chest, "Its not funny but you've been nervous and scared to tell her" he said with pity, "it's not that easy to say but I'll try" I sighed.

"What about the Witch?" He asked, "We've filed a case against her" I said, "Aren't you been tough, I heard your Mothers are best of friends"
"To hell with their friendship."


Surayya's POV

"My Queen" he called giving me that Dashing smile, "Yes" I managed to answer, "What do you want us to do Khaulat, just mention it, and it'll be done" he entwined our hands.

She almost killed my Baby, therefore she's my worst enemy, but I don't have any preferable punishment for her, Allah the judge of all Judges will do us Justice the Day we both stand before him for judgement. "Do as you wish" I managed to answer.

"Hayatee, you know in Life we don't always get what we want right?, Sometimes we loose the closest people to us but Allah is the planner of everything and nothing takes place without his wish and command. Allah said it his self that he will test us from something of lost of wealth and lives so he sees the best of Servants among us..." All this words are for comfort I know.

"Habiby I'm over this thing, let's just continue with our life,are you sure the Baby is fine, I'm not hungry" she chuckled. "Hayatee, we can have as many Babies as we want right?" He asked. "Yes" I said shyly.

"Hayatee we lost The Baby" the sentence came like a death sentence to me, so my heart wasn't lying to me at all, I Lost my dearest Baby, Khaulat what have I donw to you in this Life to deserve all this from you.

My heart clenched and I felt hot tears pouring willingly from my eyes, I fell to the floor as my grief and sorrow poured out in the form of tears, Innalillahi Wa'inna Ilaihi raji'un. The world is indeed a wicked and complicated place.

So sad, My poor Baby had to suffer, My Baby, I've been dreaming of seeing my Baby out one day so I can Nurse him and be the best mother ever, but my joy was cut short by the miserable people I know. Why me? Why? I cried more.

"Hayatee I'm very sorry, I know I cause all this for you, please forgive me, we can have another Baby,soon insha Allah" he held my hand. "Leave me alone" I cried more feeling the pain in my heart.

"Is it a mistake to be your wife?" I cried, "Please don't talk that way, I love you"

"Salim is not all about Love, it was my Baby, tomorrow it will be me" I cried hitting my chest, it felt like my heart was going to pump out. "She came into my house and did this to me, Such is Life, I don't blame her, if only my mother in law accepted me" I sobbed biting my lower lips.

"I'll never forgive her, I won't, she has caused me too much pain Salim, why?" I cried. "Hayatee please take heart" he hugged me and I continued crying. I cried until I felt that there was no more tears and all this while he was by my side.

"What more do I have left" I cried, "Surayya I'm here, we are all here, don't talk like that, we can have another Baby" he wiped away my tears. "I don't know why, but I feel like that Baby is my last hope, ya Allah please forgive me and don't punish me with this" I cried.

I had a great attachment with that Baby, the Bond was so strong that when I woke up in the Hospital and I felt it departure. "Can I have some space" I sobbed.

"Yes Hayatee but please don't let this make you too sad or ruin our relationship, remember we are in this Together, I Love you and I would do anything in my power to protect you my Wife, please give me this one last chance" he begged holding my hand.

"What if this is just the beginning of her plan?" I asked my eyes looking at the space, "It's the last insha Allah, please Hayatee, I'm also hurt, please find a place in your heart to forgive me, I'll be a more caring Husband, please" he pleaded.

Hot tears rolled down from my eyes giving me a sharp headache and an aching heart, "I just want to be alone for now" I cried.

"Keep saying Innalillahi Wa'inna Ilaihi raji'un, Allah will make it easy for us, I Love you" he kissed my forehead and went out of the room.

I knelt down and poured out my pain, sorrow, grief, and Self pity in the form of tears.The more I cry the more my heart aches, as if the pain is been washed away.


Till we meet again Ba-bye😊

Stay Home stay safe😍😋😍😋

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