39|Reap what you sow

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Third Person's POV

"Here she is!" Ummi shouted pointing at a young girl in her early twenties.

They all freezed looking at both Ummi and Barirah, some of the maids said Ummi has ran mad, of all people she had to choose Barirah, the good girl, and everybody's favorite.

Barirah knelt down and started crying, "Hajia Hadiza she can't be the one, Barirah Is a good girl" Abba said. "Alhaji wallahi itace, she's the one, why would I lie?" She hissed. "Ummi maybe you made a mistake, wallahi Barirah is a very good and hardworking Maid in this house" Jamila added.

"Nashiga uku na lallace, What did I to this Woman to deserve this from her" Barirah cried harder putting her hands atop her head. "Shut up!,Were you not the one who told me about Khaulat and how she made you betray your Employers!?" Ummi shouted.

"Wallahi Alhaji it's a lie, She's the one that asked me to do it, I've never seen the Khaulat she's talking about" Barirah cried pointing at Ummi. "Hadiza!?!?" Dad yelled, he came in just awhile ago.

Everybody in the compound started saying Innalillahi Wa'inna Ilaihi raji'un, they were all surprised of Ummi's courage to put the blame on another person when she was the one who asked her to do it, they believe she did it.

"Wallahi Alhaji, she's lying, why would you people believe what this girl is saying?" Ummi cried, she was wondering why the girl had to say such a big lie against her.

"Hadiza kin cuceni, what kind woman are you, it even got to the extent that you associated your God, just to ruin you daughter In-law?, Tell me what has this girl done to you?, Why do you hate her so much?" Dad was in tears already which frightened Abba, he has known his friend for over 40years now and he has never seen him like this.

"Alhaji please believe me, you know I can't do that, Badamasi the driver knows everything, he was in the car when she came and told me everything" Ummi was now on her knees in front of Dad, seeing him in tears made her heart run in marathons, anything can happen to their Marriage at this moment.

"Yes Sir, I was there, and Wallahi Hajia is the one, I am even the one who Always take her to the Bush where she meets the Priest" The Driver said making Ummi to shout and slap him hard accross the face.

"Ni zaka wa Qarya Badamasi?, how dare you lie against me?, Did they bribe you too?Na shiga uku!" She cried, she knows that nothing will make them to believe she isn't the one, but why will this girl do this to her, was the 100k she gave her not enough?

"Barirah so you were the one who buried the charms?" Abba asked very disappointed. "Alhaji please forgive me!" Barirah cried holding her both hands. "She said that if I don't do what she ask me to do, she will kill my parents and also kill me too" Barirah cried, they all had a pity on the poor girl Ummi took advantage of.

"Show us where you buried the charms" The Sheik spoke for the first time, he was shocked too,he can clearly recall how she came earlier, so she's the one behind it, Dunyah!.

"Yes Sheik, I'll show you, but I'm afraid for my parents" Barirah cried, "Nothing will happen to them, just show us please" The Sheik pleaded with her.

Dad,Abba, and Jamila were all in shock especially Dad who was so ashamed of his self to call that Woman his wife and the Mother of his one and Only Son.

All the while, Ummi was In tears, she was praying silently for her Son, she regret what she did, but yet she's ripping what she had sown, you don't expect to plant Maize and Cultivate Rice, you will rip just what you sow.

The charms were digged out, one was tied tightly with a red rope while the other one was buried with a cooked egg and a picture of Salim and Surayya together, The Sheik burnt them to ashes and asked Barirah if they were more charms but she said no.

He prayed for the Couple and gave Some medications to Jamila to give Surayya three times per day. "The Sihr has been broken, she will be back to normal very soon insha Allah" The Sheik said.

"Alhaji Bukar?" The Sheik called Dad, "Your wife here has done something very very wrong, she has wronged the Lord and made life miserable for his Servants, Amma Dan Allah abi a hankali, everything with moderation Please,don't make a decision while you're angry, May Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala forgive us all and may he Grant them Shif'a" he said and they all said Amin.

"Mun gode sosai Malam, Allah ya saka da Alkhairi, May Allah reward you abundantly" Abba said. "Thank you Sheik, Allah ya saka da Alkhairi" Dad added.

"Let's go and see the Husband, he also need some drugs" The Sheik said.
"Alhaji please listen to me, wallahi this girl is lying to me, Please" Ummi cried but he didn't give her a glance.

"Why?, Why?!" Ummi cried looking at Barirah "Hajia Please don't do anything to my parents" Barirah cried but not forgetting to smirk at Ummi which made her more pissed off, this girl will regret doing this to me, she whispered to her self.

"Aunty Jamila please listen..." She was trying to talk to Jamila but she stopped her, "I don't want to hear anything you have to say Barirah" She said in disgust. "Guards don't allow her to go out, Abba will decide what to do to her later. Barirah you are not allowed to do anything in this house again" She added.

She fell on the floor and started crying like a Woman who had just lost her Husband, some of the maids pitied her while others say she's a Bad Person and doesn't deserve their pity, she's a betrayer, some whispered, an old man who wroks in the house as a gardener insulted Barirah and said she's a bad Person.

She cried for hours before she went to the backyard and dialed an unsaved number, she talked for a few minutes and the person from the other side laughed loudly.
"Good Job."

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