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Third Person's POV

  In Khaulat's side, things went wrong for her, it didn't go just the way she planned. Her Mother was hit by a truck on her way to visit her daughter who was in the custody of the police.

   Khaulat started behaving in a strange manner, she became mentally ill, her situation was no where close to Surayya's. The police contacted Salim about it but he won't back off, Her paternal Uncles gathered theirselves and went to plead on her behalf in Dad's place, he called Salim and said Nasihas to him telling him that even God forgives, who is he not to let go.

    He also reminded him of Allah saying in the Holy Qur'an,والله مع الصبرين.

    He withdrew the case and Khaulat was taking to their village for treatment, things weren't getting better so she got admitted into a psychiatric Hospital, few months later she got discharged.

    She realized her mistakes and promised to mend her ways, she went to Salim's office to ask for forgiveness and there he warned her not to ever show her face again, he also warned her not to go to his house or try contacting Surayya.

  Dad later brought Ummi back home, she asked for everybody's forgiveness including Surayya, though she always felt guilty, she feels she's the reason why the couple still haven't gotten a child, she prays Allah provide them with one soon.

       Two Years Later

Salim's POV

    "Let's visit the Hospital first" I tried persuading her, for two years now every time she feels Feverish or Nauseous, she has her pack of test strip, she will check and if it turns out negative she will cry for the rest of the Day, I know is not easy for her but Surayya needs to have more faith.

    "I can feel it Habiby, this time arround luck is on our side" she chuckled, "It might just be malaria, remember the last time" I warned, "Please, let me try" she pouted, "Okay go ahead" I sighed.

   She chuckled and headed to the bathroom, I sat by the edge of the bed and waited for her, she took about 10minutes before she came out.
  Tears were flowing from her eyes with her left hand on her Tommy, I knew it. She hugged me and continued crying, "I told you didn't I, Sorry" I patted her back.

    "It's positive" she sobbed, "What?" I looked at her, "Yes Habiby, it's positive" she squealed. I hugged her more and whispered Alhamddulillah.

   "We are going to have a Baby soon" I chuckled, "Then why are you crying?" I asked, "I was shocked and at the same time Happy, we won't let anything happen to this one right?" She sobbed, "Insha Allah" I replied.

   "I'm very Happy Hayatee, Today is the happiest day so far,the day our Baby comes to the world will be our happiest day" I held her hand.

    "I'm also happy Habiby" she smiled, Seeing Hayatee happy is all I want, she looks very happy, what we've been waiting for for almost three years now, Alhamddulillah.

    "Our Baby is coming soon, I pray we become the best parents ever, I Love you" I placed a kiss on her forehead. "I pray so too, insha Allah, let me call Aunty J and tell her" she chuckled and grabbed her phone. She called many of her friends and informed them, They were happy for us.

   "When should we visit the hospital?" I asked, "Tomorrow?" She chuckled "Ok" I answered.

Two Weeks Later

"Hayatee remember what the doctor said no drinking of cold things, no ice water, just warm water, no too much Pepper in your food, you won't eat too much junky foods, you'll take more of fruits and vegetables, no too much chocolate, you won't go out Everytime, I mean you are on a Bed rest, you won't work much..infact I'm getting A Maid for you...you don't ha...."

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