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Salim's POV

I stood before my mirror and looked at my reflection, I need to have a hair cut, I murmured to my self, I sprayed my perfume and fixed my Rolex watch on my wrist.

I took my car keys and wallet then headed to Mom and Dad's room, "Assalamu Alaikum" I said Salam and knocked, "Wa'alaikumu Salam, Salim come in" Dad said.

"Daddy barka da dare, (good evening)" I greeted. "Barka Salim, ya jiki?(How is your health)" He asked, "Alhamdulillah" I said.

"Salim Ina Zuwa haka(where are you going to?)" Mom asked after finishing her Du'a. "One of my friend got married yesterday, I'm going for his Dinner party" I lied, we are actually going on a Date night with Suraaya but I choose not to let Mom know about it, I'll tell her know when the wright time comes.

"Allah ya kiyaye hanya" she prayed, "Ameen, Se na dawo" I bid them good bye and went out.

I saw Yasir playing outside with water, "Yasir won't you sleep?" I asked him and he just laughed sheepishly, "Hanifah... shaid I should shleep outshide... th..th..that..is..where I belong, Do you want to shleep outshide...too?" He asked me and I just couldn't help but feel really bad for The Boy.

He is my Uncle's son but he is an imbecile, So no one in the house like him, not even his Father who gave birth to him, The only person who takes pity on him is there Second born and he doesn't leave in this house, he said he would soon take him out of the house.
Uncle sent Ummu Yasir packing two years after his birth because he thinks she's the cause for the child's unwellness, they always scold and beat him like a slave.

"Go inside it's cold here" I said and he nodded his head, I gave him some of the Chocolates I have left in my pocket and took him back to the house.


I arrived at the Al-ansar Restaurant and occupied a table, I looked at my surrounding and all you can see is the laughing faces of lovers here and there, I fell in love with her unknowingly, I want to love her knowingly, make her the happiest woman on Earth and make her the most special one in my heart, I wish to be with her till eternity, I want her to be the one to complete half of my Deen.

"Assalamu Alaikum" she said taking the sit opposite me, "Wa'alaiki Salam" I said with a grin on my face and she looked down smiling back, I love the shy part of her. "Good evening" she said, "Evening, How was your Day?" I asked, "It was fine, you?" She asked.

"It was fine just that I was anxiously waiting for you to come" I said and she looked at me then chuckled. "Waiter" I called, "What will you have?" I asked her collecting the menu from the waiter, "Have a look" I passed it to her, "Just Water" she shrugged, "You can't have Just Water" I told her.

"Okay then, Fried rice and chicken with Salad" she said, "I'll have the same thing with my Queen" I said, if I'll achieve my mission then I don't even mind Tuwon Shinkafa with Kuka soup.

"You look nice today" she said and l couldn't help but grin from ear to ear, she said I look nice, "Thanks, You look better, but not only today, everyday" I said and she chuckled.

"Let's eat" I gestured at the hot Food in front of us, "Okayy" she said and uttered a "Bismillah(In the name of Allah)" and then started eating gently, I watched her delightfully as she took every spoon to her mouth, This alone is okay for me.

"Uh-uhmm, won't you eat?" She asked when she raised up her head and our gazes met, "I will, when you're done" I said, "No, you should eat" she said,
"Okay, Anything for my queen" I did a slight bow and she chuckled.
We finished eating our food and went down for a stroll. "Wow" Suraaya said pointing at the Suya Spot by the road side, "Care for some?"
"Yes of course" she giggled.

We bought the Suya and sat on the Settle near by, I watched her as she took the Suya in Excitement despite the pepper in it, I still haven't adapted to eating much pepper, so I just let her eat.

"This is really good, Ya Salim you're missing" she said gulping her Orange Juice, "I'm still wondering how you're able to take this without shedding tears" I exclaimed, "It's not that peppery Wollah just that you're not use to it" she cleaned her hands with tissue and we stood up to go back.

"Did you come with your car?" I asked, "No, Zainab came to our House, so I joined her so she could drop me" she said. "Ok, let's go" I said unlocking my car.

"So, Have you thought about it?" I asked adjusting my seat belt, she quickly raised up her head, I looked at her trying to study her Facial expression.

Surayya's POV

"So, have you thought about it?" He asked, I wasn't expecting this question.
We had Dinner together at a restaurant and I just, I'm confused, I looked at his face and then lowered my gaze.

"Are you serious about this relationship of a thing?" I asked, "I can't believe you're doubting my love for you, Look Suraaya when I said I love you, I meant it with all my Heart, all I want from is you to give me a chance to Love you, give you all the necessary care and protection, make you Happy.
Suraaya you're my joy and happiness, Believe me my peace of mind now depends on you, You're my life, I promise to make you the happiest woman on Earth, The key to My heart is in your hands now, I want you to complete the half of my Deen, I Love you" he said, I looked at his eyes and in there I saw genuine love, his voice sounded very emotional.

It will be very Unhuman of me to turn down such an innocent Soul, I Love him and I'm glad he loves me back too. "I also feel the same way, just promise you won't break my heart" I said.

His eyes widened and then he smiled nodding his head, "You mean you also love me, You Love me?" He asked excited, I nodded my head and he raised up his hand and uttered a Du'a. "Thank you Suraaya, For Loving me back, Thank you" he whispered.

"You mean we are now Dating?" He asked, I gave him a weird look and then nodded my head, "I Love You Suraaya and I pray to Almighty Allah to unite us one day Under the same roof as Husband and Wife" he prayed and I muttered an Ameen.

"It's Almost 10pm, let me take you home" he engined the car and we zoomed out of the Compound.

..... Suraaya I Love you, the key to My Heart is in your hands now....

He's words kept ringing in my Brain, We are Dating, Salim Bukar is my Boyfriend, Ha-Ha-Ha, I'm so happy.

I've never felt this way toward a Man, I think I have found my Life Partner, The Love of My Life.
The best feeling ever is to Love and to be Loved Back. Alhamdulillah.

God bless you as you vote💝

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