38|The Sheik

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Third Person's POV

  "They have succeeded in killing him oo!, Where is my Son?, Hanif where is he?!" Yelled. "Ummi calm down, they are still inside" Hanif tried to calm her  but she wouldn't stop yelling and shouting.

    "Ma, please stop shouting, you're in a Hospital Environment" A Nurse who came to pass said. "I should stop shouting?, I will not stop shouting" She yelled.

    "Hajia Hadiza!" Dad called Ummi, he's getting pissed off already. "So you Love him?" He asked disgusted. "Duk ke Kika ja Wa'innan abun(You caused all this)" he pointed at her, "Alhaji why are you talking like this?" She cried.

    She continued talking and saying how much she loves her Son and that she has never done anything that will hurt her Son, The Doctor came out and called the three of us to his office.

   "Doctor how is my Son doing?" She sniffed, "He's fine Alhamddulillah" he smiled. "You are aware that your Son takes Alcohol right, he should quit for the sake of his Liver,it's getting weak" The Doctor said.

   "He has a high blood pressure, If care is not taking, it might result into a heart problem and severe bleeding...."

  "Nashiga uku!" Ummi cut him off putting her both hands atop her head.  "Innalillahi Wa'inna Ilaihi raji'un" that was what Dad repeatedly said, he was afraid for his son and at the same time tired of his wife's attitude.

    "What is the next step to take Doc?" Hanif  asked,  "Please who is Surayya?" He asked, "She..She is his Wife" Hanif said.

"Bring her to the Hospital he has been calling her name, and in this kind of situation, try your best to do what will please him, let me write down the prescribed drugs, you can get them from the Hospital's pharmacy" he said. "Okay Doc, thank you very much" he shook hands with him. "Dad Ummi, let's go" he said.

   They went to the room he was transferred to and there Ummi began to cry, few minutes later she stood up and rushed out of the room like a Mad Woman. Hanif was going to follow her but Dad stopped him.

   "Stay with him, I'll get the drugs" Dad said to Hanif and headed to The Pharmacy.

   Alhaji Ahmad's Compound

    She is sitting alone in the Garden her eyes admiring the flowers but her mind was unstable and she doesn't know what she's thinking.
     "Alhaji who is that?" A man dressed in A White Jallabiya asked Abba, "You don't recognize her right?" Abba smiled, "It's Surayya" Abba said.

  "Surayya?" The Sheik asked surprised, "How Comes?" He asked and Abba told him everything right from her miscarriage to what she did to the Maid yesterday. "Things are getting out of hand, A friend suggested a Professional Psychologist,we are planning on taking her next week, He lives In Kaduna State" Abba sighed.

  "Alhaji kenan, this is not something a psychologist can take care of, From the look of things it's Sihr" The Sheik said. "Maganan Nan ai bata tsayuwa bace, let's take a sit" Abba said and they moved to his lounge.

   He explained to Abba how a Sihr (charm) works and how you can easily identify it.

   " where is the Husband?" The Sheik asked. "He was rushed to the Hospital earlier" Abba explained to The Sheik. "Subhanallah, May Allah Grant him Shif'a."


  On the Center table, there were various Islamic drugs like Zaitun, Habbatu Sauda (Black seed) and the rest. He mixed it and gave it to Jamila to rub it on Surayya's face and make her drink it.

   All this while he was reciting Suratul Baqarah and spraying something in the Sitting Room. "Assalamu Alaikum" it was Ummi.

      "Wa'alaikumu Salam" They all answered but we're taking aback by how she looks, she was crying.

    "Hajia Hadiza hope all is well, how is Salim?" Abba asked a bit scared. "He's fine, he's still sleeping" she said taking a sit.

   She wiped away the sweat forming on her forehead and sniffed.
   "I don't know where to start from, Alhaji Please forgive me, I know I am the backbone of everything that is happening, I was always supporting Khaulat, but I never knew that it'll one day lead to this, I know everything behind Surayya's Condition, they all planned it" She cried.

  She told them everything she knew about the Charm and The maid who works in their House. "In this House?"Abba asked unsure.

   "My workers are Honest and they all like Surayya, I'm still finding it hard to believe that She works here, didn't she tell you her name?" Abba asked.

   "She didn't but I can recognize her if I see her, Sheik please help me, My Son needs Surayya in his life, The Doctor said he might get a heart problem" She cried, you can clearly see regret in her face.

     "Insha Allah everything will come to an end, all we need to know now is where the charms were buried a d insha Allah she will be fine" The Sheik said. He said some Nasiha's (advice)to her while Abba ordered all the Workers to assemble before him.

    Ummi was asked to identify the Girl, she was sure that if the girl is there she will Identity her, she don't think she can ever forget that face.

   "Here she is!" Ummi shouted pointing at a young girl in her early twenties.

Goodnight 😘🌃

رمضان يجمعنا 🌠⁦❤️⁩

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