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Surayya's POV

Today seems to be different from other days, not in a good way though, I've been feeling so uneasy as If something bad is going to happen.

I called Mami, Abba, and Ya Hanif asking if there all alright, and I kept getting yes, as an answer.

What of Ya Salim?, I've not called him, I dialed his number and he picked up in time, I also asked if he was okay, He also said yes.

I completed the little work I have left here in Real Mel and headed straight to Our Company, I can't abandon my work just like that, Nothing has changed, I'm still There Manager.I entered my Office and began working, it's not easy but I can still manage.

The sound of my call ringing tone attracted me to my phone which I placed by the side of My Desk. It was Ya Salim, he hardly calls by this time of the Day.

I answered the call expecting to hear his voice but I heard a different voice, "Hello, Hello" the person spoke, "Yes, Please who am I speaking with?" I asked.

"Hello, we are calling from King's Hospital, The owner of this phone got involved in an accident, please kindly come over" the person spoke again.

Did I hear him wright, he said Ya Salim....got.. involved in an accident, yes that was what I heard, where?, how?, Innalillahi wa'inna ilaihi raji'un, Did he survive it, I don't want to imagine this life without him, No it can't be, it can't.


My eyes opened slowly, while my head ached, making me bit my lower lip and then everything that happen occurred back to me. Ya Salim got involved in an accident, Yes, The Man on the phone told me.

"Ya Salim!" I yelled standing up from the bed, I was in my room at home, who brought me home, did I faint, for how long did I slept?.

How is Ya Salim doing now?, why did I have to faint?, I have to go and see how Ya Salim is?, The Love of my life, he can't just go and leave me in this world, No he won't, nothing will happen to him, have faith Surayya,have faith, I consoled my self as I went out of the room and ran downstairs almost missing my steps, all I want now is to go to his place, and tell him how much I love him.

"Auta, Auta, wait!" Ya Hanif shouted my name but I turned deaf ears. "Wait!" He said holding me tightly, "Ya Hanif, leave me alone, leave me, I want to go and see him, please, please I beg you" I said breaking into a new set of tears, "Let me go and see him, A man called me and told me Ya Salim had an accident, I want yo go" I sobbed.

"Ya Salim" I repeated pointing toward the door. "I know just calm down, you've been sleeping since yesterday, you fainted in the office yesterday,that person called again and that was how we knew about what happened" he said with a saddened voice.

"Hope he is fine, please tell me he is alright, please" I begged him, "He is fine" Ya Hanif whispered. "Alhamdulillah, ok, let's go and see him" I said with a sigh of relief.
"Ok sure, I was about to go back, I just came to check up on you"

I went up to my room and took a quick shower and slip into a Black Abaya and veil.

After that I went downstairs and met Ya Hanif making a call. We occupied the back seat and let the Driver do the driving, on a normal day, Ya Hanif would insist on driving.

The Hospital was just some kilometers away from us, so in less than an hour, we were already in the hospital premises.

"Thank God you are here, he has lose a lot of blood, let's go and start the test" The Doctor said to Ya Hanif.

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